RIIEP Journal is a publication of the Doctorate in Education, appointed to the Faculty of Education of the Vice-Chancellor of the Open and Distance University, Santo Tomás University, which publishes works in educational and pedagogical research ongoing or that are already completed. The journal, founded in 2002, publishes two issues per year with research works that have made significant contributions to the problems in education and society in general.
Topics: Education, pedagogy, cultural studies
Periodicity: biannual.
ISSN: 1657-107X
e-ISSN: 2500-5421
DOI: 10.15332/25005421
e-mail: revistariiep@usantotomas.edu.co
Indexed in:
Latindex, EBSCO(Fuente Académica Plus), REDIB, Redalyc, MIAR, BASE (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine), ERIH PLUS.