Published: 2021-02-01

The pedagogical-didactic planning implemented in the English area in communes 1 and 2 of Bucaramanga, which serves students in vulnerable conditions at the basic and secondary levels: challenges and opportunities
Jorge Wilson Torres Hernández, María Cristina Gamboa Mora

The body, a universe of meanings: corporal instrumentalization on the web and disembodiment at school
María Victoria Reales Moreno, María Cristina Gamboa Mora

Technology, an educational innovation strategy for preschool children approved by teachers and parents
Mónica María Córdoba Castrillón, Javier Ospina Moreno
103 - 131

Parents facing their children's television consumption
Juan Camilo Díaz Bohorquez, Ivan Dario Moreno Acero
133 - 150

Support strategies for mothers-teachers from a two-way vision of the family and school
Natalia Guzmán Atehortúa, Mónica María Álvarez Gallego
151 - 176

Conjecture and classroom demonstration in teacher training
Edgar Balaguera Ascencio
177 - 205

Academic goals of high school students related to the gender variable
Jorge Enrique Díaz Pinzón
207 - 224

Khan Academy as a tool in learning mathematics and programming
LUIS ADRIAN LASSO CARDONA, Karen Natalia Conde Rodriguez
225 - 250

Web tool development for design and application of based on competencies assessments for Julio Caicedo y Tellez Educational Institute’s 5th grades
César Augusto Gutiérrez Rodríguez, Luis Eduardo Cardozo Agredo, Rodolfo Córdoba Santamaria, Ricardo Andrés Almeida Delgado
251 - 278

Hexapod robot for teaching mechanisms for transforming movements
Ricardo Rincón Duran, Jorge Armando Niño Vega, Flavio Humberto Fernández Morales
279 - 303

Proposing Features for the Master’s Care of Life as a Need for the Context
MARINA SANCHEZ SANABRIA, Francia Esther Herrera Salazar, Mariemma Socarras Vega
305 - 331

Preliminary diagnosis of learning styles of students of the Master's Program in Watershed Management at the Universidad Santo Tomás, Colombia
Yennifer García Murcia, Ligia Giorgina Lugo Vargas
365 - 377

Particularities of the bachelor's degrees in humanities and Spanish language
William Leonardo Perdomo Vanegas, Leidy Yohanna López Pineda
379 - 405

A proposal from Prensa Escuela to form and transform
Sonia Amparo Guerrero Cabrera, Carolina Campuzano Baena, Mariana Acosta Gutierrez
333 - 364

Development of the mathematical modeling process in training graduates
Jesús David Berrío Valbuena, Zuriel Fitzgerald Peña Ubarne, María de los Ángeles Torrenegra Giraldo
79 - 101