Published: 2022-07-01

Consultancy for Quality Costs Determination
Yaima Martinez Rodríguez, Yunelsy Ortiz Chávez

Optimization Model in Production Processes, Based on the Available Industrial Supply of the Chocó Department
Jhon Neifer Hurtado Cuesta, Julia Marisol Chaverra Molina, Herman Jair Mosquera Chaverra, Lubin Delgado Arroyo

Cuban experiences in planning the continuity of academic postgraduate studies in COVID-19 times
Rosa Mayelín Guerra Bretaña, Rita C Sosa Vera, Rosalba Roque González, Fridel Julio Ramos Azcuy

Articulation between ISO 18091 and the Municipal Development Plan of Fúquene: Case Study
Anngie Valeria León Antolínez, Edward Parra Flórez, Carlos Alberto León Medina

Increasing Quality of Smart Contracts on the Blockchain Technology
Antonio José Montoya Acevedo, Diana María Montoya Quintero

Evaluation of the Quality of Data and Information in Organizations through Technological Tools
Alejandra Piedrahita Mazo, Diana Montoya Quintero

Technological Surveillance of Gastronomic Establishments in Zacatlan (Mexico) and the Metropolitan Area of Medellin (Colombia): New Processes and Innovative Food Products
Sebastián Arias Giraldo, Daniel Muñoz Quintero, Valentina Ramos Perfecto, Osmar Oduño Mares, Daniel Restrepo Holguín

Association of Biomechanical Risk Factors and Musculoskeletal Disorders in a Colombian Administrative Population
Nathalia Vega Arévalo, Magda Viviana Monroy Silva, Christian Ricardo Zea Forero

Methodology of Knowledge Transfer to Prevent Occupational Hazards in the Hydrocarbon Sector
Dayana Florez Balvin, María Ingrid Ramírez Reyes, Joel Losada Gutiérrez

Risk Management Plan for a Complex Pharmaceutical Service, under Harmonization of ISO 31000:2018 Standard and Resolution 1403:2007
Karen Johana García Ceballos, Sulay Milena Leal Leal

Planning of the Quality Management System under Standard for an Automotive Spare Parts Trading Organization
Flaminio Andres Medina, Efren C Pineda, Diego A Castillo, Carlos A Aguirre, Carlos A León

Methodology of Costs of Promotion and Prevention in Occupational Safety and Health for Colombia
Giovanni Andrés Ortiz Méndez

Study of the Costs of Non-Quality in SMEs in Colombia
Juan Carlos Herrera Vega, Martha Sofía Carrillo Landazábal, Harold Enrique Cohen Padilla, Luis Barrios Ramos, Gloria Coello Torres

Analysis of the Health and Work Dimension of the Formal Economic Sector in the Department of Cundinamarca (2015-2020)
Luis Miguel Cárdenas Castellanos, Diana Marcela Roa Baquero, Bertha Elisa Violet Martelo

Application of Lean Six Sigma for decreasing cancellations of programmed surgeries in IPS
Martha Sofía Landazabal, Luz Elena Vargas Ortiz, Carlos Alberto Severiche Sierra, Jean Carlos Vitola Cabarcas, María Isabel Narváez Escorcia

Social Entrepreneurship: A Systematic Literature Review
Victorina Manuel Reyes, Yuber Liliana Rodríguez Rojas, Maricela Castillo Leal

Integrated Management Systems and their Importance for Sustainable Development. A Bibliometric Review
Shunashi Yectzin Aguilar Morales, Héctor Daniel Huerta Silva, Nayeli Melena Torres, Alejandra Torres Vivar, Felipe de Jesús Vargas Martínez, Luis Cuautle Gutiérrez

Change Management in the Framework of Occupational Safety and Health
Wilder Alfonso Hernández Duarte

Knowledge Management in the Public Sector: Toolbox Proposal
Laura Johanna Forero Torres, Diana Camila Ramírez Guevara, Neldy Viviana Polo Mora