Published since 1994 by the Faculty of Public Accounting, whose main purpose is to promote the visibility of scientific knowledge in accounting, both nationally and internationally. The sections presented acknowledge and organize the different reflections, analysis, studies and research made regarding the accounting discipline and profession.
ISSN: 0124-5805
Electronic ISSN: 2500-5278
Topics: Accounting, economics, finance, audit, tax.
Periodicity: biannual.
DOI: 10.15332/25005278
e-mail: [email protected]
Journal edited since 2003 within the area of Studium Generale in the Santo Domingo Convent in Colombia. It is presented as a space for dissemination of theological and interdisciplinary knowledge, contemplating reality and what it contributes to the approach to the truth. At the same time, the journal collect research studies, results of personal or groups research projects that take into account the sources of Theology, especially the Holy Scriptures and ecclesial Tradition conducted worldwide.
Topics: Theology, anthropology, philosophy of religion, bioethics, social sciences.
Periodicity: biannual.
ISSN: 2011-9771
Electronic ISSN: 2500-5413
DOI: 10.15332/25005413
e-mail: [email protected]
Redib - Red Iberoamericana de Innovación y Conocimiento Científico, Dialnet, Latindex, Circ - Clasificación integrada de Revistas Científicas, Base - Bielefeld Academic Search Engine, Miar - Matriz de Información para el Análisis de Revistas, Ulrich's Periodical Directory, EZB - Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek/Electronic Journals Library, Seriunam, Actualidad Iberoamericana, Cite Factor, Academic Resource Index.
Analisis journal is a mean for spreading research findings in the field of humanities, social sciences and philosophy; as well as works that arise from the dialogue of humanistic disciplines with other knowledge and science in general.
Published since 1968, it is aimed at national and international academic community interested in current interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary debates in the field of humanities and social sciences.
Scope: Humanities and society; education and pedagogy; transdisciplinary studies; memory, history and identities.
Periodicity: biannual.
ISSN: 0120-8454
Electronic ISSN: 2145-9169
DOI: 10.15332/21459169
e-mail: [email protected]
Doaj, Redib, Dialnet, Redalyc, Latindex, Circ - Clasificación integrada de Revistas Científicas, Base , Amelica, Google Scholar, Miar, Ulrich's Periodical Directory, EZB - Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek/Electronic Journals Library, Erih Plus, Academic Search Complete, ProQuest Central, Sherpa/Romeo, Academic Search Premier, DRJI, Actualidad Iberoamericana, Cite Factor, Academic Resource Index, Academic Search Ultimate.
Campos en Ciencias Sociales journal is an interdisciplinary publication in social sciences, scientific and investigative, published since 2013 and aims to offer the academic community a space for debate and dissemination around the social sciences from society of knowledge, which influences different areas such as cultural, social, political and economic. These areas, in which the journal focuses, contemplate aspects such as:
Periodicity: biannual.
ISSN: 2339-3688
Electronic ISSN: 2500-6681
DOI: 10.15332/25006681
e-mail: [email protected]
Redib, Clase, Circ, Base, Google Scholar, Miar, Ulrich's Periodical Directory, EZB, LatinRev, Erih Plus, Seriunam, Actualidad Iberoamericana, Cite Factor, Academic Resource Index.
Scientific publication first published in 1979, addressed to researchers, intellectuals, teachers and students interested in the philosophical evolution in Colombia and Latin America. Its purpose is the promotion of philosophy in Latin American countries as a contribution to the democratic formation of citizens.
Topics: Latin American philosophy, ethics, epistemology, metaphysics, bioethics, politics.
Periodicity: biannual.
ISSN: 0120-8462
Electronic ISSN: 2500-5375
DOI: 10.15332/25005375
e-mail: [email protected]
ESCI - Emerging Sources Citation Index, Redib, Dialnet, Latindex, Circ, Fuente Académica Plus, Fuente Académica Premier, Philosopher's Index, Base, Google Scholar, Miar, Ulrich's Periodical Directory, EZB, Erih Plus, Academic Search Complete, ProQuest Central, MLA, Index Copernicus, Philpapers, Academic Search Premier, Seriunam, DRJI, Cite Factor, Academic Resource Index, Academic Search Ultimate, Publindex.
Published since 2011, the journal promotes and encourages understanding of the areas of physical culture, sport and recreation nationally and internationally. This journal constitutes a new space for discussion and human development, and invite to think about physical activities as cultural reflexes.
Topics: Physical culture, recreation, sport, education.
Periodicity: biannual.
ISSN: 2248-4418
Electronic ISSN: 2422-474X
DOI: 10.15332/2422474X
e-mail: [email protected]
Base, Google Scholar, Ulrich's Periodical Directory, EZB, Actualidad Iberoamericana, Cite Factor, Academic Resource Index.
Revista internacional especializada en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades, y las disciplinas propias de estas áreas del conocimiento; se enfoca principalmente en las dinámicas propias de América Latina. Cuenta con 17 años de edición y 413 artículos de investigación publicados, actualmente está presente en 32 bases de datos internacionales, directorios selectivos y portales especializados. Dispone de Comité Científico Internacional, sistema de evaluación doble ciego, y colaboración de 395 revisores científicos de 19 países de todo el mundo.
La gestión de manuscritos se hace a través de la Plataforma OJS 3 siguiendo estrictos protocolos de calidad y puntualidad, acceso permanente a sistemas antiplagio, y un alto nivel de visibilidad con múltiples sistemas de búsqueda, DOIs, ORCID, pdfs dinámicos y XML. Todos sus textos se encuentran accesibles en formato digital y de forma gratuita para la comunidad científica.
Áreas: Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades
Periodicidad: Semestral.
ISSN: 1794-3841
ISSN electrónico: 2422-409X
DOI: 10.15332/2422409X
Correo electrónico: [email protected]
Redes sociales: LinkedIn
Indexada en:
ESCI - Emerging Sources Citation Index, SciELO Colombia, Doaj, Redib, Dialnet, Redalyc, Latindex, Circ, ERA, Fuente Académica Plus, Base, Amelica, Google Scholar, Miar, Ulrich's Periodical Directory, EZB, Erih Plus, Academic Search Complete, ProQuest Central, MLA, Sherpa/Romeo, Academic Search Premier , Seriunam , DRJI , Actualidad Iberoamericana , Cite Factor , Academic Resource Index , Academic Search Ultimate , Infobase Index .
Publicación fundada en el año 2004. La política editorial de la revista ha sido recoger trabajos de los profesores de la Facultad de Derecho y colaboraciones externas que se refieran a un campo específico del saber jurídico para ampliar las fronteras de conocimiento en el área.
Temáticas: Derecho, investigación, conflicto, prácticas jurídicas.
Periodicidad: semestral.
ISSN: 1900-0448
ISSN electrónico: 2500-5286
DOI: 10.15332/25005286
Correo electrónico: [email protected]
Doaj, Redib, Dialnet, Redalyc, Latindex, Circ, Fuente Académica Plus, Base, Amelica, Google Scholar, Ulrich's Periodical Directory, EZB, Sherpa/Romeo, DRJI, vLex, Actualidad Iberoamericana, Cite Factor, Academic Resource Index, Explora, Biblioteca de la Cepal.
Journal published since 1998, its sponsors and spreads academic work and research in the area of economic science in coordination with other disciplines in the field of human and exact sciences to move towards Social Economics. It assumes an alternative position to explain the complex socioeconomic reality that creates the financial globalization. Its purpose is to provide forums for debate and dialogue with an open and propositive nature.
Topics: Economy, society, history of economy.
Periodicity: biannual.
ISSN: 0124-3551
Electronic ISSN: 2248-4914
DOI: 10.15332/22484914
e-mail: [email protected]
Publication resulting from convention between Icontec and the Engineering Division of Universidad Santo Tomás. Its purpose is to disseminate research reflections, discussion and results on issues related to quality and its management, the different standardized management models and social responsibility, as well as experiences related to applicability, innovation, relevance of theories, models and management systems, in private and public organizations.
Topics: Management systems, quality, social responsibility.
Periodicidad: biannual.
ISSN: 2145-1389
Electrónic ISSN: 2463-1140
DOI: 10.15332/24631140
E-mail: [email protected]
Signos has indexation in different databases at international level:
Virtual publication aimed at spreading academic production from Thomasian and guest researchers, as well as teachers and students assigned to institutional, formative and seedbed research.
Topics: Law, Politics, Legal Sociology.
Periodicity: biannual.
Electronic ISSN: 1909-0528
DOI: 10.15332/19090528
e-mail: [email protected]
EBSCO, Latindex, Dialnet, Redib, Directory of Open Access Journal (DOAJ).
The aims of the CITAS journal, of the Faculty of Science and Technology in the Division of Open and Distance Education, are to: (1) present the progress and results of research papers related to science, innovation, technology, environment and society from the Faculty of Science and Technology and the Deanship of the Division of Open and Distance Education (DUAD); and also from other faculties at the Santo Tomás University, from other higher education institutions, and from public and private entities interested in these topics; (2) share experiences and promote the creation of new knowledge through the dissemination of the progress made in projects relating to management (corporate, environmental and/or social), innovation, entrepreneurship and technology transfer that have a national and international impact; and (3) encourage academic production by teaching staff, students and graduates from the Faculty, from the VUAD, from the Santo Tomás University and other higher education institutions.
Frequency of publication: Yearly.
Electronic ISSN: 2422-4529
Email: [email protected]
Es una publicación interdisciplinar de carácter institucional y divulgativo, que nace en el año 2003 y tiene como propósito visibilizar ante la comunidad tomasina y la población en general, las experiencias derivadas de las actividades universitarias de la USTA y ligadas a las reflexiones sobre Sociedad y Ambiente. La Revista Sol de Aquino es un referente institucional que refleja, en cada uno de sus contenidos, la identidad y personalidad tomasina.
Temáticas: Sociedad, ambiente, Universidad Santo Tomás
Periodicidad: semestral.
ISSN: 1692-8105
ISSN electrónico: 2744-8487
Correo electrónico: [email protected]
Published since 2005. Its purpose is spreading the scientific and research work of Psychology, of varied thematic, theoretical and methodological issues, allowing the exchange and transfer of knowledge both inside and outside the institution.
Topics: Psychology, adolescence, religion, society, family, research.
Periodicity: biannual.
ISSN: 1794-9998
Electronic ISSN: 2256-3067
DOI: 10.15332/22563067
e-mail: [email protected]
ESCI - Emerging Sources Citation Index, SciELO Colombia, Doaj, Redib, Dialnet, Redalyc, Latindex, Circ, Fuente Académica Plus, Fuente Académica Premier, Lilacs, Base, Amelica, Google Scholar, Miar, Ulrich's Periodical Directory, EZB, Erih Plus, PePSIC, ProQuest Central, Sherpa/Romeo, Seriunam, DRJI - Directory of Research Journals Indexing, Cite Factor, Academic Resource Index.
Journal published since 2008 with the purpose of disseminating original and unpublished papers on any topic of theoretical and/or applied statistics. The journal intends to encourage a culture of statistical research and therefore its target audience are all those researchers using any statistical method in the development of their projects.
Topics: Statistics, models, sampling, probability.
Periodicity: biannual.
ISSN: 2027-3355
Electronic ISSN: 2339-3076
DOI: 10.15332/23393076
e-mail: [email protected]
Redib, Dialnet, Latindex, Circ, Base, Google Scholar, Miar, Ulrich's Periodical Directory, EZB, Seriunam, DRJI, Cite Factor, Academic Resource Index, Current Index to Statistics.
Episteme. Revista de divulgación en estudios socioterritoriales (ISSN en línea: 2711-3833) is a journal for dissemination about socio-territorial studies (ISSN online: 2711-3833). It is an open access journal from Universidad Santo Tomás, campus Villavicencio (Colombia). It was founded in 2010.
The journal is a semi-annual (not biannual) publication of original papers. Topics covered in Episteme include education, social and human sciences, economics, administration, accounting, architecture and urban planning, engineering and related sciences, natural sciences, among others, which are addressed to communicate and reflect on the Colombian and Latin American reality in its various facets.
The journal seeks to form a broad space for interdisciplinary dialogue and reflection in the academic community in general, which contributes to critical development at the regional, national, and international levels.
Topics: scientific dissemination, socio-territorial studies, region, interdisciplinarity.
Periodicity: semi-annual.
Email: [email protected]
Al hacer referencia al término “artefacto” vienen a nuestra mente la relación que se establece con máquinas o instrumentos que facilitan algunas tareas cotidianas del ser humano. Sin embargo, nosotros nos remontamos un poco más atrás en la historia, hasta el origen de dicha palabra para poder expresar nuestro sentido y fin último: “artium” y “factum”. El primer concepto hace referencia a las artes, lo artificial, aquello que en la Edad Media fue asignado a los hombres que se dedicaron a la construcción de maquinarias, edificios, espadas y otras herramientas; y los “fabers”, los fabricantes, se asociaron en lo que se llamó universitas. Este se constituyó en un lugar común para intercambiar ideas, para defender lo colectivo y sobre todo, para crear. En esa línea, “factum” es lo hecho, lo elaborado; es hacer, construir (y se construye con la mente y las manos). Como plantea San Alberto Magno, somos inteligencia y manos. Con estas dos herramientas hemos alcanzado las más grandes empresas para crecer como humanidad.
De acuerdo a esto, presentamos Arte-Facto. Revista de estudiantes de humanidades como el resultado de trabajo conjunto de estudiantes y profesores del Departamento de Humanidades y Formación Integral de la Universidad Santo Tomás que se unen para crear narrativas que permitan comprender un poco más nuestras realidades como personas.
Temáticas: Humanidades
Periodicidad: cada cuatro meses
ISSN electrónico: 2619-421X
Correo electrónico: [email protected]
Sitio Web:
RIIEP Journal is a publication of the Doctorate in Education, appointed to the Faculty of Education of the Vice-Chancellor of the Open and Distance University, Santo Tomás University, which publishes works in educational and pedagogical research ongoing or that are already completed. The journal, founded in 2002, publishes two issues per year with research works that have made significant contributions to the problems in education and society in general.
Topics: Education, pedagogy, cultural studies
Periodicity: biannual.
ISSN: 1657-107X
e-ISSN: 2500-5421
DOI: 10.15332/25005421
e-mail: [email protected]
Indexed in:
Latindex, EBSCO(Fuente Académica Plus), REDIB, Redalyc, MIAR, BASE (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine), ERIH PLUS.
La revista Magistro (ISSN: 2011-8643 | e-ISSN: 2500-543X) se complace en informar a sus lectores que, siguiendo la política editorial de la VUAD, se ha fusionado con la Revista Interamericana de Investigación, Educación y Pedagogía, RIIEP de la Universidad Santo Tomás.
Para conocer los requisitos para publicación los invitamos a ingresar a RIIEP y consultar los directrices para autores.
Magistro se publicó entre enero del 2007 (vol. 1 nº 1) y julio del 2014 (vol. 8 n.º 16).
• ISSN: 2011-8643
• e-ISSN: 2500-543X