Published: 2017-01-01


Olga Lucia Ostos
5 - 7

Pedagogical practices in the context of digital culture to generate significant learning in students
Jhenifer Mailec Rincón Guevara, Aurelia Patricia Quiñones Granados
9 -32

Analysis of the school radio as teaching proposal and student experience
Lina Andrea Reyes Ramírez
33 - 53

Pierre Bourdieu and his concept of Symbolic Violence: what´s happening into Colombian Classrooms?
Jesús Antonio Quiñones
55 - 67

Three moments of institutionalization of the education of abnormal ones in Colombia: Analysis from educational policies
Gloria Janneth Orjuela Sánchez
69 - 98

State of the art of the research "inclusion of the pedagogical component, from the criticism in the principles of minimum and maximum ethics by Adela Cortina in the citizenship category"
Álvaro Hernández Acevedo
99 - 123

Teaching strategies to enhance learning in children from 0 to 6 years at Villavicencio Colombia
Alexandra Cortés, Giovanna Garcia
125 - 143

Towards a didactics of meaning. Emerging didactics of pedagogical practices of philosophy in three Catholic schools
Johan Andrés Nieto Bravo
173 - 195

Perception of the personal, family, educational, social and emotional levels of the Acacias penitentiary, Meta
Fernanda Ballen, Ana María Reyes, Francy Rodríguez
197 - 208

Initial training of science teachers from the CTSA approaches and the Andinean conceptions of Living well and Well living
Jorge Enrique Ramírez Martínez, María Alejandra Beltran Penagos
217 - 230

Community of learning with the use of MOOC on CSC in the permanent formation of professors
María Alejandra Beltrán Penagos, Leonardo Fabio Martínez Pérez, Jorge Enrique Ramírez Martínez