Published: 2022-01-01

La tercera misión universitaria, desde una identidad católica común en contextos sociogeopolíticos distintos
Maite Jiménez-Peralta, Javiera Cárcamo-Morales, Gladys Jiménez-Alvarado, Gonzalo Bravo-Alvarez, Jacqueline Reveco-Gautier

Profesionalización y desempeño, un debate a propósito del Alcalde Municipal en Colombia
Edgar Enrique Martínez Cárdenas, Harold David Pico García

Working on video platforms: forms of development and organization of the activity of YouTube audiovisual producers in Argentina
Agostina Dolcemascolo

From combatants to neighbors: building a life after the peace agreements in Colombia. An ethnographic account of San José de León
Beatriz Elena Arias López, Berena Patricia Torres Marín, Laura Antonia Coral Velásquez

The new intellectual history versus the history of ideas: some critical simplifications
Damian Pachón Soto

A reflective approach to the crisis of multilateralism in the face of the paradigm of the fight against drug trafficking and sustainable development: the eradication of illicit crops in Colombia and Peru as an alternative paradigm? ¿la erradicación de cultivos ilícitos en Colombia y Perú como paradigma alternativo?
Camilo Andrés Devia Garzón , Catherine Ortiz Morales

The five ways and the “fundamental truth” of Thomistic Metaphysics
Abel Miró i Comas