
Governance of electoral preferences: consensus expectations and voting intention in students of a public university


Resumen (es)

The objective of this work was to validate a predictive model of voting intention. An exploratory, cross-sectional and correlation study was carried out with an intentional sample of 253 students from a public university, considering the intensive use of electronic networks. Three factors were found that explained 70 % of the variance. Although the research design limits the results to the study sample, the extension of the model to other scenarios is suggested.
Palabras clave (es): governance, elections, preferences, expectations, intentions


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Cómo citar

Cruz, Javier, & Jorge. (2019). Governance of electoral preferences: consensus expectations and voting intention in students of a public university. Revista Interamericana De Investigación Educación Y Pedagogía RIIEP, 13(1), 89-100.