The thematic Dossier “The Sense of the Game in Leisure and the Latin American Recreation” of the Revista de Investigación Cuerpo, Cultura y Movimiento was organized by Dr. Esperanza Osorio Correa (Executive Director of FUNLIBRE and Colombia Coordinator of the Master in Latin American Leisure Studies) and Mrs. Lady Johanna Ruiz Gonzalez (professor at the Santo Tomás University - Colombia, and member of the research group Body, Subject and Education). The proposal of this Dossier was to make a critical review of the game as a category of vital importance for the field, not assumed from the common place as a synonym for leisure and recreation or as a pedagogical tool, but to go to the depths of the game as a logic of being in the experience of leisure. What are the characteristics of the game as a human phenomenon? What about the feeling of a subject in this space? What about their realities? Does the game take the subject out of its reality or deepen it? What are the relations of the game with art? Does the game have different logics as a phenomenon in the different areas where it becomes possible (Work, school, home, street, etc) ? These questions potentiate the appreciation of the game and the game without rules, to understand its shapes and figures. In this way, rethinking and reflecting the scope of the game universe, contributes to the discussion and generation of own knowledge that places it in Leisure and Recreation as a social field that maintains dialogic relationships with Latin American realities that underlie practices, research and everyday as an object of knowledge.
Published: 2020-01-01