
Impacts of coxa valga and coxa vara on the musculoskeletal system: An integrative review

Impactos de la coxa valga y coxa vara en el sistema musculoesquelético: Una revisión integradora

Impacto da coxa valga e da coxa vara no sistema músculo-esquelético: Uma revisão integrativa

Rodrigo Cardoso de Oliveira
Gledson Lima Alves Junior
Estélio Henrique Martin Dantas

Resumo (pt)

Coxa valga (CVl) and coxa vara (CVr) are morphological alterations related to the collodiaphyseal angle, which represents the angulation between the femoral neck and the femoral diaphysis. The angle considered normal is 120° to 135°. When the angle is less than 120°, it is called CVr, and when it is greater than 135°, it is called CVl. These alterations affect the musculoskeletal system, impacting the quality of life of those affected. This article aims to highlight the main functional impairments in the skeletal, muscular, and articular systems caused by CVl and CVr. Articles were collected from the MEDLINE and BVS databases, using the descriptors ("coxa valga" OR "coxa vara") in September 2022. Eleven articles were included in the review, with the main results summarized in a PRISMA flowchart. This review highlights the various adverse consequences in the locomotor system associated with the presence of CVl and CVr in affected individuals.

Palavras-chave (pt): coxa valga, coxa vara, femur neck

Resumo (es)

La coxa valga (CVl) y la coxa vara (CVr) son alteraciones morfológicas relacionadas con el ángulo colodiafisario, que representa la angulación entre el cuello del fémur y la diáfisis del fémur. O ángulo considerado normal es 120° a 135°. Cuando el ángulo es inferior a 120°, se denomina CVr, y cuando es superior a 135°, se denomina CVl. Estas alteraciones afectan el sistema musculoesquelético, impactando en la calidad de vida de los afectados. Este artículo tiene como objetivo destacar los principales compromisos funcionales en los sistemas esquelético, muscular y articular causados por la CVl y CVr. Se recopilaron artículos en las bases de datos MEDLINE y BVS, con los descriptores ("coxa valga" O "coxa vara") en septiembre de 2022. Se incluyeron once artículos en la revisión, con los principales resultados resumidos en un diagrama PRISMA. Esta revisión resalta las diversas consecuencias adversas en el sistema locomotor asociadas a la presencia de la CVl y CVr en individuos afectados

Palavras-chave (es): coxa valga, coxa vara, cuello femoral
Rodrigo Cardoso de Oliveira, Tiradentes University

Undergraduate Medical Program at Tiradentes University - UNIT, Aracaju, Brazil. Email address: [email protected] ORCID:

Gledson Lima Alves Junior, Tiradentes University

Undergraduate Program in Medicine at Tiradentes University - UNIT, Aracaju, Brazil. Email address: [email protected] ORCID:

Estélio Henrique Martin Dantas, Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro

Master and Doctor’s Degree Program in Health and Environment - PSA, Tiradentes University - UNIT, Aracaju, Brazil. Doctor’s Degree Program in Nursing and Biosciences - PPgEnfBio, Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro - UNIRIO, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Email address: [email protected] ORCID:


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Como Citar

Cardoso de Oliveira, R., Lima Alves Junior, G., & Martin Dantas, E. H. (2024). Impacto da coxa valga e da coxa vara no sistema músculo-esquelético: Uma revisão integrativa. Cuerpo, Cultura Y Movimiento, 14(1).

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