La corrupción y la ética en las profesiones: el caso de la economía.
Corruption and ethics in the professions: the case of the economy.
Abstract (en)
In a recent work, Cotte, Cotrino and Muñoz (2016) show how the evolution of Techno-scientific advances have given rise to new phenomena and reveal new forms of appropriation of knowledge for new generations, analyzing the phenomenon of corruption associated with professional practice. The different professions, their developments and the way of analyzing problems relativize the issues that have to do with human life, with social justice, as well as with issues that compromise a broad future -such as sustainability-, which justly demand a ethical judgment and lead to science and techniques being misused. In the field of economics, much progress has been made in the knowledge of economic phenomena, the functioning of organizations and the behavior of agents.
Abstract (es)
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