Campos en Ciencias Sociales journal is an interdisciplinary publication in social sciences, scientific and investigative, published since 2013 and aims to offer the academic community a space for debate and dissemination around the social sciences from society of knowledge, which influences different areas such as cultural, social, political and economic. These areas, in which the journal focuses, contemplate aspects such as:
- The territories: understanding them as spatialities not only geographic but also virtual.
- Culture, counterculture, identities and social movements (peasants, indigenous, afro, feminists, among others).
- Visual communication and cultural products: cinema, television, literature.
Periodicity: biannual.
ISSN: 2339-3688
Electronic ISSN: 2500-6681
DOI: 10.15332/25006681
e-mail: [email protected]
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