Incertidumbre y riesgo en los cobros desde el punto penal: un análisis aplicando la teoría de juegos
Uncertainty and risk in payments from the penalty spot: an analysis using game theory
Abstract (en)
Uncertainty and risk play a leading role at the time of taking the decision to charge a shot from the penalty spot. The implications of winning a soccer tournament highly competitive signaling have effects on the agents involved in the different markets. This research warns that charges from the penalty mark are not simply a matter of chance and luck, it's an interaction that must take into account among other variables not only the technique, preparation, endowments participants but must be a combination of strategies and probabilities. Applying Game Theory to the three most representative teams of the football league of Spain - Real Madrid, Barcelona and Atletico Madrid - and using data from the First Division of Spain, Copa del Rey, Club World Cup and Champions League, all these competitions corresponding to the 2015-16 season and 2014-15 season, the various strategies and probabilities that the collector must clarify to score a goal from the penalty charge are determined and thus counteract the different probabilities and strategies available to tackle goalkeeper launch.Abstract (es)
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