The journal Hallazgos has as purpose the socialization of research articles in the field of latin american studies and social sciences, in order to contribute to the consolidation of a constant dialogue among the academic community.
The articles, preferably, shall be assigned to research in progress or completed, so they must show conceptual consistency and depth in addressing a topic or research problem; also, they should be written in a clear, agile and structured language, according to the nature of the text. Research, review and reflection articles are received. The length of the article should be between 20 and 30 sheets of paper: letter size paper, Word format, typeface Times New Roman 12, spacing 1.5, top and left margins of 3 cm and bottom and right margin 2 cm. Illustrations and charts should have a resolution of, at least, 300 DPI (dots per inch), and must be delivered in the original format in which they were made.
Entries should include the following elements:
• Title in Spanish and English
• Abstract in Spanish and English no more than 250 words. It should briefly present the hypothesis of the research, methodology and theoretical framework used for its development. It is very important to structure this section as clearly as posible and indicate the reader the contents of the text, since from its good writing depends, largely, that the document is read and cited, which affects considerably th impact factor of its author.
• Keywords in Spanish and English (maximum 7, minimum 3): these terms (lexemes) should be search engines that allow tracing in the indexing systems of the contents of the article by a reader, so they should describe the main topics of the document. Furthermore, even an analysis of research tendencies can be conducted from the use of these words by researchers of a specific discipline.
• Must include name and surnames of the author. An asterisk following the surname of the author must indicate: last academic level achieved, institutional affiliation (university to which he/she is engaged) and email (preferably institutional) and mailing address. Please register your name in ORCID (
• Must include an asterisk following the title in Spanish to indicate: source of the text, i.e., if it presents the results of a research project or had any type of funding from an educational institution. Also the type of article:
a. Articles of scientific research and technology development: documents that presented in a detailed manner the original results of scientific research and/or technology developments projects. The process from which they derive are explicitly shown in the published document, as well as the names of the authors and their institutional affiliation. The structure usually used has introduction, methodology, results and conclusion.
b. Reflection articles: documents that correspond to results of studies made by the author or authors about a theoretical or practical problem,which, like the previous ones, meet certification standards on the originality and quality by anonymous qualified peer reviewers. It presents research results from an analytical, interpretive or critical perspective of the author on a specific subject using original sources.
c. Review articles: studies made by the author or authors in order to provide an overview of the status of a specific domain of science and technology, the prospects for its development and future evolution are indicated. These articles are made by those who have achieved an overall view of the domain and are characterized for an extensive bibliographical review of at least 50 references.
d) Products derived from works in institutional repositories: Articles previously saved in institutional repositories cannot be proposed fro pubishing. Nonetheless, works derived from articles in repositories are allowed as long as the information regarding the source is declared.
• References: contains the basic bibliographic information of the documents cited in the text. They are always located at the end of the manuscript following the citation system of the American Psychological Association (APA), sixth edition.
• In-text citations: if a citation or paraphrase of another document is made in the discursive development of the text
it should be indicated in a parenthetical form, indicating the surname of the author, the year of edition, and pages to which the reference is being made, as shown next: (Lezama, Lima, 1996, pp. 44-45). The use of footnotes shall be exclusively for clarifying or explanatory notes.
• In order to comply with the indexing criteria of Publindex and other international databases, the articles will be subject to an evaluation by a committee of peer reviewers, appointed by the Editorial Committee of the Journal. Such evaluation will be conducted anonymously: the author ignores the name of the evaluator and the latter, of the author he/she is evaluating (double blind).
Articles can be sent to the following email address, with the resume of the author: [email protected]
After examining the articles, process that takes between two to three months, the authors will be informed about the modifications suggested by the peer reviewer and the Editorial Committee. However, prior to the evaluation by the peers the articles undergo a screening process based on two criteria: the first one considers the typology of the article (according to the categories of Colciencias); the second one verifies the compliance of formal requirements. Also, there is a step which consists in screening for plagiarism through the software Turnitin. If there is some irregularity with this, the journal will contact the author and the article would not be publicated.
If the articles does not correspond to any of the categories established by the Journal or does not meet the formal presentation requirements, it shall be returned to the author, who can submit it again once the relevant adjustments have been made. Opinions expressed in the articles published by the journal Hallazgos are the sole responsibility
of the authors. In the event the article is accepted, the autor will sign a format in which he/she declares the article is original, has not been published or accepted for publication in another journal or web site, or that is has been simultaneously submitted to another evaluation process. Here authors also give authorization for the publication of the article in print and electronic format by the journal. Once the article has been approved, the edition process (copyediting, layout, review and approval by authors, print) will last approximately 4 months. Authors will receive 2 printed copies of the journal, which will be sent by mail to their mailing address. Articles that are not approved are preserved in digital files for the internal record of the journal. However, they are not manipulated or used for any other purpose.
The journal does not have article submission or processing charges. The journal publishes about 16 articles annually (8 per issue).
Artículos de revisión
La revista Hallazgos recibe, evalúa y publica artículos de revisión, cuyo carácterística esencial es la revisión científica detallada, selectiva, organizada y crítica de literatura de un tema de interés específico, con el propósito de situarla en una perspectiva particular, además de ofrecer una guía práctica al público lector. Este tipo de artículo debe evidenciar la labor analítica y crítica al revisar un panorama bibliográfico. Por lo mismo, debe dar cuenta, de manera aclara y concisa, de lo que se conoce sobre el tema, exponer cómo se ha investigado y señalar aspectos controvertidos o posibles vertientes para futuras investigaciones.
Su extensión puede estar entre las 15 y 20 páginas, escrito con letra Times New Roman 12 puntos, espacio 1,5. Aunque puede tener una estructura libre, debe garantizar la identificación de un hilo conductor, claro y lógico. El artículo de revisión debe incluir un resumen (máximo 150 palabras) y palabras clave (entre 5 y 7). El texto debe mencionar de manera expresa el público lector al cual va dirigido, ya sea por la especificidad o por las articulaciones disciplinares.
Hallazgos también invita a la comunidad experta a que sugiera ante el Comité Editorial un tema pertinente a revisar. En caso de ser aprobado, se le informará al autor(a) para que proceda a escribir su texto con tiempo suficiente.