
Un compromiso con la diversidad y la interdisciplinariedad en psicología: celebrando 20 años de Diversitas

A commitment to diversity and interdisciplinarity in psychology: celebrating 20 years of Diversitas

María Constanza Aguilar Bustamante

Abstract (en)

This year, DIVERSITAS: Perspectives in Psychology proudly celebrates two decades of existence as a biannual scientific journal dedicated to the dissemination of research and scientific work in the field of psychology. Since its inception in 2005, DIVERSITAS has served as an essential channel for the exchange of knowledge, addressing the complexity of human issues from a transdisciplinary perspective and highlighting the importance of psychology in studying emerging and challenging social issues.

Our journal has remained steadfast in its mission to reflect the richness and diversity of theoretical and methodological approaches within psychology. Over the years, we have hosted research spanning a wide range of topics, including adolescence, groups, family, society, and many other areas that reflect the varied interests of our scientific community in local, regional, and international contexts. By publishing in three languages—Spanish, Portuguese, and English—DIVERSITAS has become an accessible and relevant forum for researchers worldwide, facilitating intercultural dialogue and knowledge transfer. Commitment to Transdisciplinarity and Complex Social Issues

Abstract (es)

Este año, DIVERSITAS: Perspectivas en Psicología celebra con orgullo sus dos décadas de existencia como una revista científica semestral dedicada a la difusión del trabajo investigativo y científico en el campo de la psicología. Desde su creación en 2005, DIVERSITAS ha sido un canal fundamental para el intercambio de conocimientos que abordan la complejidad de los problemas humanos desde una perspectiva transdisciplinar, resaltando la importancia de la psicología en el estudio de temas sociales emergentes y desafiantes.

Nuestra revista ha mantenido una constante en su misión de reflejar la riqueza y la diversidad de enfoques teóricos y metodológicos dentro de la psicología. A lo largo de estos años, hemos albergado investigaciones que abarcan una amplia gama de temáticas, como la adolescencia, los grupos, la familia, la sociedad y muchas otras áreas que reflejan los variados intereses de nuestra comunidad científica en contextos locales, regionales e internacionales. Al publicar en tres idiomas—español, portugués e inglés—DIVERSITAS se ha convertido en un foro accesible y relevante para investigadores de todo el mundo, facilitando el diálogo intercultural y la transferencia de conocimientos.

María Constanza Aguilar Bustamante, Universidad Santo Tomás

PhD in Psychology, University de La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain. Master's Degree in Psychology with an emphasis on organizational and occupational psychology (Universidad Católica de Colombia). Specialist in Consumer Psychology (FUKL) and Specialist in University Teaching (Universidad El Bosque). Psychologist (Universidad Católica de Colombia). Associate Researcher at the Center for Studies and Research in Psychology (CEIPS) of the Faculty of Psychology at the Universidad Católica de Colombia; professor attached to the Doctorate in Psychology program and the Master's in Psychosocial Innovation; and Master's in Psychology from the Universidad Católica de Colombia. Leader of the EUROPSIS Research Group. She has worked in national and international universities and with national professional associations such as Colpsic and Ascofapsi, and international associations such as FIAP, SIP, IAAP and APA, among others. Google Scholar:; CvLAC:

How to Cite

Aguilar Bustamante, M. C. (2025). A commitment to diversity and interdisciplinarity in psychology: celebrating 20 years of Diversitas. Diversitas, 20(2), 11-14.

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