Importancia de los productos agrícolas del grupo hortofrutícola en la alimentación de poblaciones vulnerables
Importance of the agricultural products of the horticultural group in the feeding of vulnerable populations
Abstract (en)
A productive project was proposed in urban agriculture to cover food needs and to improve family income. The descriptive and interpretative study was carried out through the Participatory Action research, with a random sample of 62 families, and a structured survey to characterize socially and economically the families located in the neighborhood Loma Linda in the Commune IV, Altos de Cazucá in The municipality of Soacha. The information was obtained in a participatory manner, through interactive workshops, dialogue and observation. The results identify a population of extreme poverty, with an average income of $ 252,000 (pesos colombianos) per family, prevalence of the adult over 60 years or more in 49.9%, primary education 70% and illiteracy 30%. The horticultural components, basic of feeding of the population, were analyzed, susceptible to obtain through with urban agriculture. The analysis showed a 50% supply of these products that can be produced in the community using their own resources in a rudimentary but efficient way. A training program was developed that contemplated two approaches, the community, achieving the motivation and interest with values of coexistence and cooperative work. Training in urban agriculture focused on systems and procedures of urban production. Strengthened the vulnerable population began horticultural crops, with innovation creativity and community empowerment using the spaces of the houses, to grow in different forms and recyclable containers, products were obtained from family consumption. At the same time they began cooperative cultivation to obtain surpluses marketable in community lots.Abstract (es)
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