Guidelines for the submission of articles:
1.The chosen articles, preferably, should be appointed to ongoing or completed researches, so they must have conceptual coherence and in-depth in addressing a topic or research problem; in addition to be written in a clear, agile and structured language, according to the nature of the text.
2. Articles should refer exclusively to topics of education and pedagogy. They must be unpublished and make significant contributions to the educational community. Have priority the texts whose mastery refer to educational and pedagogical research, whether completed research (one year minimum), progress of ongoing researches, undergraduate and postgraduate research experiences.
3. The length of the article must be between 20 and 30 sheets of papers, letter size, Word format, Times New Roman 12, double space, 3cm for upper and left margins and 2cm for lower and right margins.
4. The length of the article cannot exceed 7500 letters in Word format, including the references.
5. Illustrations and tables must have a 300 DPI (dots per inch) resolution.
6. The article must include an abstract in Spanish, English and Portuguese, with no more than 150 words, with their respective keywords (and a maximum of six). It must briefly present the research hypothesis, methodology and theoretical framework used for its development. It is very important to structure this section as clearly as possible and indicating the contents of the paper, since from its good writing depends, in great extent, that the document is read and cited, which considerably affects the impact factor of its author.
7. In the footnote, is included the academic and professional profile of the author(s), which cannot exceed 60 to 75 words, and also include the research lines in which is registered his or her institution or the group acknowledged by Colciencias; the address of the institution where he or she works, the program to which he or she belongs, the position held, the email and the phone or fax number.
8. Authors must include their ORCID, Google Scholar profile, and e-mail in the article.
9. It must include an asterisk following the title in Spanish, which indicates the source of the paper and the type of article. With regards to the source; i.e., if it presents the result of a research project or had any kind of funding from and educational entity. With regards to the type of article:
Scientific and technological research article. Document that presents, in detail, the original results of finished research projects. The structure usually used contains four major sections: introduction, methodology, results and conclusions.
Reflection article. Document that presents results of a finished research from an analytical, interpretive or critical perspective of the author, on a specific topic, using original sources.
Review article. Documents that results from a finished research that analyzes, systematizes and integrates the results of published or unpublished research, in a field of science or technology, in order to inform about the progress and development trends. It is characterized by an extensive literature review of at least 50 references.
Short article. Brief document that presents original, preliminary or partial results of a scientific or technological research, which usually, require a quick diffusion.
Case report. Document that present the results of a study about a specific situation in order to make known the technical and methodological experiences considered in a specific case. It includes an annotated systematic review of the literature on similar cases.
Literature review. Article that establishes judgments and assessments about the content of a bibliographical work. It makes comparisons with other works about that same study, discusses the validity of data, judgments, approaches and treatments, always seeking objectivity and balance of opinions.
Reflection documents. Brief paper that presents glances, opinions and reflections about a specific topic, but not necessarily is structured under the form of a scientific article, nor is it related to a research.
The above typologies will be confirmed and supported by the teacher who assess the article.
10. References: contains the basic bibliographic information of the documents that served as support or source for the construction of the text. They are always located at the end of the manuscript, following the citation system of the American Psychological Association (APA), seventh edition. Examples:
Periodical publications (journals)
Author, A. A. (year). Title of the article. Title of the journal, vol., pages.
Non periodical publications (books)
Author, A. A. (year). Title of the work. Editor or publishing house.
Lectures and statements at conferences
Author, A.A (year). Title of the lecture or statement. In Name, Surname (Ed.), Title of the event (range of pages cited). Editorial.
Author, A.A (year, month). Title. Document presented in… City, Country.
Author, A.A (year). Title. Retrieved on the day of the month of the year, electronic address.
Citations within the text.
If throughout the discursive development of the paper there is a quote or paraphrase of another document, it should be indicated in parenthetical, indicating the author’s surname, year of publication and pages referred to, as shown below: (Lezama Lima, 1966, pp. 44-45).
You can find more information about APA following this link.
11. Articles can be sent to [email protected] or upload on the OJS platform:
12. Authors must create their ORCID profile and write it in the article. If you don’t have it yet, please, follow this link:
13. Authors must create a Google Scholar account and write the link in the article. If you don’t have it, follow the instructions in the Google Scholar registration guide:
About the evaluation process of the articles:
1. With the submission of the article for consideration of the RIIEP journal is understood that the authors certify and accept the paper has not been published, or accepted or submitted for publication in another journal or web site and that they grant authorization for the eventual publication thereof in printed and electronic format.
2. The Scientific Committee is in charge of preparing the evaluative report. This committee decides which articles will be published and which do not classify. The Editorial Committee is in charge of informing the authors the date of publication of those that were accepted or explain, in writing, when the article does not meet the requirements established for publication in the journal.
3. Authors that do not take into account the suggestions from the Editorial Committee and do not remedy them within the specified time will lose the right to be published the next year. However, such article will remain in the list for a future edition if presented afterwards already corrected.
4. The Journal of Inter-American Research, Education and Pedagogy-RIIEP will not be held responsible for the ideas expressed in the articles published, the liability is solely of the authors. However, the Editorial Committee reserves the right of not publishing articles that threaten the good name of people or institutions.
5. Regarding copyrights, once the article is accepted and published in the Journal of Inter-American Research, Education and Pedagogy-RIIEP, authors assign to the journal the economic rights, remaining moral rights in the author(s).
6. Peer reviewers named for the review of articles will remain anonymous, unless they express their interest of being known by the authors. For suggestions or corrections in the respective articles, communication will be made with the first author only and is estimated, to make the relevant corrections, one month maximum; if during this time the authors do not make the corrections recommended by the Editorial Committee, the article will not be sent to the Scientific Committee for its final assessment and its publication in the respective issue of the journal.
7. The reception of the article by the journal is made with the purpose of assessing if it meets the necessary requirements to participate in the publication and does not involve any commitment of the journal with regards to the publication of the material.