
El sentido del juego en el ocio y la recreación latinoamericana

The meaning of the game in Latin American leisure and recreation

O significado do jogo no lazer e recreação latino-americanos

Esperanza Osorio
Lady Johanna Ruiz González

Abstract (en)

This new volume of the magazine Body, Culture and Movement (USTA-Colombia) has been devoted to working on a subject that appears to be easy to grasp, especially in thefield of physical education, recreation, sports and related areas, whose tradition, imaginary or cultural context configures its approach from the common place as a synonym of leisure and recreation or as a pedagogical tool.
Keywords (en): game, leisure, recreation, Latin America

Abstract (es)

Este nuevo volumen de la revista Cuerpo, Cultura y Movimiento (usta-Colombia) se ha dedicado a trabajar un tema que en apariencia es de fácil aprehensión, sobre todo en el campo de la educación física, la recreación, el deporte y áreas afines, cuya tradición, imaginario o contexto cultural configura su abordaje desde el lugar común como un sinónimo del ocio y de la recreación o como herramienta pedagógica.

Keywords (es): juego, ocio, recreación, Latinoamérica

Abstract (pt)

Este novo volume da revista Corpo, Cultura e Movimento (USTA-Colômbia) foi dedicado a trabalhar em um assunto que parece ser fácil de entender, especialmente no campo da educação física, recreação, esportes e áreas afins, cuja tradição, contexto imaginário ou cultural configura sua abordagem do lugar comum como sinônimo de lazer e recreação ou como ferramenta pedagógica.
Esperanza Osorio, National executive director of Funlibre

Psychologist, with a doctorate in Knowledge and Culture in Latin America; Specialist in Social Management and Master in Educational and Social Development. Researcher and teacher in the field of leisure and recreation. Collegiate director with the CIIO of the Master of Latin American Leisure Studies. Member of the Casa de las Questions collective and director of the Latin American Recreation Magazine. Experience in public policy formulation, national executive director of Funlibre.

Lady Johanna Ruiz González, Universidad Santo Tomás Facultad de Cultura Física, Deporte y Recreación
Bachelor of Recreation and Master of Latin American Leisure Studies. Full-time teacher at the Faculty of Physical Culture, Sports and Recreation. Researcher of the line "Innovations in studies of the body, recreation and society". Leader of the seedbed Social Manifestations of Leisure and Recreation, research group Subject Body and Education of the Santo Tomás University.




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How to Cite

Osorio Correa, E., & Ruiz González, L. J. (2020). The meaning of the game in Latin American leisure and recreation. Cuerpo, Cultura Y Movimiento, 10(1), 7-17.

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