Submission Preparation Checklist
All submissions must meet the following requirements.
Estudios e Investigaciones
Documento que presenta, de manera detallada, los resultados originales de proyectos terminados de investigación. La estructura generalmente utilizada contiene cuatro apartes importantes: Introducción, Metodología, Resultados y Conclusiones.
Estudios de revisión
Documento resultado de una investigación terminada donde se analizan, sistematizan e integran los resultados de investigaciones publicadas o no publicadas, sobre un campo en ciencia o tecnología, con el fin de dar cuenta de los avances y las tendencias de desarrollo. Se caracteriza por presentar una cuidadosa revisión bibliográfica de por lo menos 50 referencias.
Estudios de reflexión
Documento que presenta resultados derivados de una investigación terminada, desde una perspectiva analítica, interpretativa o crítica del autor, sobre un tema específico, recurriendo a fuentes originales.
Investigación formativa
Documentos resultado de los trabajos de grado de los Estudiantes de la Facultad.
Book Review
1. Heading
- Title of the review: It should be concise and reflect the focus of the review.
- Complete book reference: Include the full title, author(s), publisher, year of publication, number of pages, and ISBN.
2. Introduction
- Contextualization: Brief presentation of the subject of the book and its relevance to the field of study.
- Purpose of the review: Explain the purpose of the review, for example, whether the book's contribution to a specific field will be evaluated, its usefulness to certain readers, etc.
- Author(s): Affiliation data: Last academic degree, Position, Institutional affiliation, Country. E-mail: ; ORCID: ; Whatsapp:
3. Summary of content
- General description: Brief summary of the book's content, covering the main points or key chapters.
- Cover image: 1280 x 720 pixels
- Theoretical or methodological approach: Explain whether the book follows a particular approach or uses certain relevant methodologies.
- Central arguments: Summarize the main arguments or theses that the author presents in the book.
4. Critical analysis
- Content evaluation: Examine the soundness of the arguments, coherence, originality and contribution to the field of study.
- Strengths: Mention the most outstanding aspects of the book, such as its innovation, depth of analysis, or the clarity with which it deals with complex issues.
- Weaknesses: Point out any shortcomings, biases, lack of currency, or areas where the book could be improved.
- Comparison: Relate the book to other works in the field, noting whether it brings something new to the table or is in line with other studies.
5. Conclusion
- Synthesis of the evaluation: Summarize the overall evaluation of the book, highlighting whether or not it is recommended and for what type of readers it would be most useful.
- Relevance and contribution: Conclude with a reflection on the importance of the book in its field of study, its potential impact, and its relevance to the existing literature.
6. References (the most relevant)
- Include references to other works cited in the review, if relevant, following the bibliographic format of the journal.
7. Reviewer information
- Full name, academic affiliation, and contact information of the author of the review.
8. Acknowledgements or conflicts of interest
- State whether there was any support or conflict of interest in the completion of the review.
This outline provides a complete framework for approaching the review in a scholarly manner, allowing for a thorough and critical evaluation of the book within the context of a research journal.
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The Revista de Investigación Cuerpo, Cultura y Movimiento contents are under the Creative Commons license Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
Sending the article implies acceptance of the conditions expressed in this document.
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The names and email addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes stated in it and will not be provided to third parties or use for other purposes.