Fundamentos sociojurídicos en materia penal del adolescente infractor frente al fenómeno 1del reclutamiento forzado
Socio-legal foundations in criminal matters of juvenile offenders with regards to the phenomenon of forced recruitment
Abstract (en)
This article analyzes the foundations established in criminal matters for youngoffenders and their sociological consequences, in the specific case of armed conflict
in Colombia and its relationship with the phenomenon of forced recruitment, which
would involve the development of prevention policies aimed at this special type of
vulnerable population given the characteristics of their environment.
Abstract (es)
Resumen: El presente artículo analiza los fundamentos establecidos en materia penal parael adolescente infractor y sus consecuencias sociológicas, en el caso específico delconflicto armado en Colombia y su relación con el fenómeno del reclutamientoforzado, que implicaría el desarrollo de políticas de prevención de fondo dirigidasa esta especial población de tipo vulnerable dadas las características de su entorno.
Palabras clave: Adolescente infractor, instrumentos internacionales, infanciay adolescencia, jurisdicción especial, reclutamiento forzado, contexto y perfil, sociologíajurídica.
Socio-legal foundations in criminal matters of juvenileoffenders with regards to the phenomenon of forcedrecruitment
Abstract: This article analyzes the foundations established in criminal matters for youngoffenders and their sociological consequences, in the specific case of armed conflictin Colombia and its relationship with the phenomenon of forced recruitment, whichwould involve the development of prevention policies aimed at this special type ofvulnerable population given the characteristics of their environment.
Keywords: juvenile offenders, international instruments, childhood and adolescence,special jurisdiction, forced recruitment, context and profile, legal sociology.
Fundamentos sociojurídicos em matéria penal doadolescente infrator, sobre o problema do recrutamentoforçado
Resumo: Este artigo analisa as bases estabelecidas em matéria penal para o adolescenteinfrator e suas implicações sociológicas, no caso específico do conflito armado naColômbia e sua relação com o fenômeno do recrutamento forçado, o que implicariao desenvolvimento de políticas de prevenção de fundo dirigidas para esta especialpopulação do tipo vulneráveis dadas as características do seu entorno.
Palavras chave: adolescente infrator, instrumentos interacionais, infância e adolescência,jurisdição especial, recrutamento forçado, contexto e perfil, sociologia jurídica.
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