La interacción docente en un modelo blended learning
Preferences Teacher interaction in a blended learning model
Resumen (es)
Resumen (en)
This article reflects the results of some experiences that the author has been working in recent years into the field of distance and virtual education, particularly in the process that is being developed at the Universidad Abierta y a Distancia Vicerectory (VUAD) from Santo Tomás University to strengthen and consolidate the pedagogical use of information and communications technology (ICT) as part of a combined or mixed model (blended-learning), to face new challenges of social, productive, economic, cultural and educational settings at local, regional, national and international level, making necessary to rethink and project both traditional distance education and e-learning, to new teaching practices, innovative methodological resources and more flexible and dynamic strategies in the context of a more interactive and dialogic teaching.
According to the aspects mentioned, the article discusses over threee main topics: the characteristics of distance education, the pedagogical use of ICT and interaction as the basis of the communication mediation in a dialogic teaching context in a blended-learning model.
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