Aproximación a la caracterización de los docentes asesores de práctica y el desempeño de los docentes en formación
Approach to the characterization of the practice advisory teachers and the performance of the training teachers
Abstract (en)
It is imperative at this time of the educational process to recognize the 21st century as the century of the megatrends of Pedagogy, in this field the pedagogical practice becomes a fundamental element for the development of the professional life of future bachelors. This article aims to socialize the results of the research that was carried out with the purpose of establishing the characterization of the teachers who string along with the teaching practice as advisors in the different educational institutions of the municipality of Ibagué. It is important to clarify that they have an agreement with the School of Education, of the University of Tolima. It was significant to know their opinions about the fundamental factors of the development of the teaching practice to evaluate their effectiveness, impact and rethink some aspects that allow improving the exercise of it. The research was quantitative-qualitative, the information was collected through surveys in order to characterize the advisory teachers and through focus groups the advisor teachers were heard and information was collected to evaluate the teaching practice. Knowing the advances, achievements, shortcomings, and limitations allowed with a safe basis to elaborate the plan of Improvement of the exercise of the Teaching Practice in the University and to reorient its process.Abstract (es)
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