Habilidades gerenciales, visión del egresado Tomasino-Vuad
Management skills, vision of graduate Tomasino-Vuad
Abstract (en)
From the investigation named Relation between the labor market and the gone away ones from the Program of Administration of Companies of the Vuad in Villavicencio’s cities, Medellin and Bucaramanga, which was carried out in the year 2016, giving continuity to the similar work developed in 2015 in the city of Bogota, where the general results coincide with some aspects, for example, that the businessmen of the different cities I object of study (Bucaramanga, Medellin and Villavicencio), think that inside the profile of the administrator of companies the managerial skills must stand out, those, which allow to the professional to have the aptitude to work under pressure, proposing alternatives of solution to possible problems, possessing(relying on) the aptitude to lead equipments. In this order of ideas, the investigation developed during the year 2016, it tried to know closely, on having interviewed and to apply instruments of compilation of information, the perception that there have both the businessmen and the gone graduated ones from the program of administration of companies of the Vuad, opposite to the profile with which the students are trained in his academic process, which seeks to strengthen the knowledge acquired by means of the approximation to the managerial reality, element that is valued positively on the part of the gone graduated ones and the businessmen with which the opportunity to socialize was had The topic of the managerial skills takes force after having been employed at the development of the investigation, for the offer of the present article, thanks to the results where there is rescued on the part of businessmen and graduated, that the future administrator of companies must strengthen his skills of leadership, negotiation, managerial and managerial vision, with the intention of being competitive inside the organizations where they work or in his own company.Abstract (es)
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