Focus and Scope

The Journal Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana (CFILOLAT) is a scientific journal of the Facultad de Filosofía y Letras at the Universidad Santo Tomás, published twice a year, that offers space to results of research in the area of the humanities, particularly in the field of Philosophy. Its first issue was published in October 1979, in order to promote Latin American philosophical thought from work led by the so-called Bogota Group. During his thirty-five years of existence, renowned intellectuals like Enrique Dussel, Arturo Andrés Roig, Mauricio Beuchot, Leopoldo Zea, Guillermo Hoyos, Ruben Sierra Mejia and Jorge Aurelio Diaz have collaborated with the Journal. Today, CFILOLAT publishes results of research, reflection articles and case reports, plus reviews and translation, in English, Spanish, Portuguese, French and Italian. The Journal´s attention is oriented to topics such as: Philosophy in Latin America, Theoretical and Practical Philosophy, Philosophy and Humanism and Philosophy and Education.


Authors should declare that their contribution is an original text, whose authorship is held by themselves. Therefore, they must state that the contribution has not been previously published and that it is not currently submitted for consideration by any other journal (or that an explanation of such a situation has been provided in the Comments to the Editor). Similarly, the text must adhere to the Publication Rules as they appear on the journal´s website ( Including claims relating to all persons and institutions that have collaborated in the research project whose results are being presented is strongly recommended.

Peer evaluators must keep confidentiality about their assessments of the articles, which involves maintaining their identity and the content of the article in reserve, without making any distribution or dissemination of materials under evaluation.

The publisher and the editorial team should ensure image and tradition of the Journal by publishing only unpublished academic and scientifically relevant and quality material, meet the periodicity stated, and make an assessment of the works received before being sent to the peer reviewing panel, in accordance with the standards defined by the Journal. Similarly, they shall undertake to decide on the publication of the text, based on the opinions delivered by the evaluators.

Finally, the publisher will send to USTA Editions a complete copy of all relevant material for editorial production, complying with the requirements set by the publisher, ensuring the quality, relevance and accuracy of the content.