Sobre el binomio libertad y seguridad en el derecho
On the binomial liberty and security in law
Abstract (en)
This paper examines the complex relationship between two key pieces of the ruleof law, freedom and security. Examines, in particular, the current influence of the
expanded concept of security on the fundamental right to personal freedom from
the idea that the future might hold completely risk scenarios and new dangers.
This concept of security points, so the reaction to the targeted phenomena and,
ultimately, that purpose also involves the reconfiguration of state tasks and aims, in
turn, to a new conception of the state with a clear impact on the idea of freedom
and therefore the rule of law itself.
For all analyzes, first, the content constitutionally declared the right to freedom
and security in the Spanish legal system and to highlight, ultimately, freedom
and security, while you goods closely interwoven enroll in the legal order whose
effectiveness is mission of the State. What refers to the traditional relationship
between freedom and common good, the Greek koinon goes to Rome as bonum
commune. Of followed, addresses, just as the freedom-security binomial linked
to the common good. Well, not chance, just enough politically, expressed in Law
(Law), produces freedom in safety due to homonoia or consensus on the basic aspects of coexistence. Hence the indivisibility of freedom and security. Then, as
indicated above, it delves into the origin and development of current risks affecting
the traditional relationship between freedom and liberty. As proof of the above, it
ends with the exhibition of its application to a particular field: urbanism. Well, in
fact, the current situation and the risks involved can be illustrated by its light while
spatial expression of society, the political and economic-social system.
Abstract (es)
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