Lo bueno y lo malo de ser hombre o de ser mujer: representaciones sociales de género en niños y niñas estudiantes de una institución educativa del área rural en el departamento del Meta
The Good and the Bad of Being a Man or a Woman: Gender Social Representations in Male and Female Students of an Educational Institution in the Rural Area of Meta Department
Abstract (en)
This article shows the children 's comprehension about the positive and negative aspects of being man or woman, which were gathered in the development of the sexual education 's project from the Simon Bolivar educational institution in La Palmera town, municipality of San Carlos de Guaroa.
lt was made a comprehensive approach about the children 's comprehension of being man or woman. In order to make this work, it was u sed a population of 3 15 students from sixth to eleven grade. lts comprehension will let us contribute to the development of educational proposals materialized in teaching strategies that acknowledge the teaching communities particularities and the social actors involved and contribute to transformation to the gender cultural patterns influenced by the patriarchy, from which children and young people have built their identity.
Abstract (es)
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