Published: 2007-06-21

Intervention and evaluation of a comprehensive sex education programme carried out with parents of teenager students
María Lameiras Fernandez, Marìa Victoria Carrera Fernandez, Yolanda Rodriguez Castro

Quality of life related to health and its relation in patients with diagnostic of slight arterial hypertension
Stefano Vinaccia, Japcy Margarita Quiceno, Ángela Gómez, Lina Marcela Montoya

Observation and experimentation in psychology: an historical revision
Alma Gabriela Martínez, Antonio López-Espinoza, Virginia Aguilera, Alma Galindo, Carolina De La Torre-Ibarra

Supervision of sistemic psychotherapists: An amphora to provide instruments of change
Ángela Hernández Córdoba

Reasons for consultation and clinic constructivista
Diana M. Rodríguez Charry

The present of the phenomenology in psychology
Rebeca Treviño Montemayor

The journey os social assistance in Brazil: Attention to the family and the place of psychology
Lilian Rodriguez da Cruz, Maria de Lourdes Duque-Estrada Scarparo, Neuza Maria de Fátima Guareschi

Brain asymmetries in psychopathy
Olga Lucía Valencia

Social representations in a university students group in a terrorist act in Bogotá
Vanessa Sánchez, Idaly Barreto, Diana Correa, Mariana Fajardo

Relation between psycho-social risk factors and the resistance to change organizacional in personnel of security of a company of the tertiary economic sector
Mónica García Rubiano, Paola Andrea Rubio, Laura Bravo

Bibliometric research of the works of degree into the organizational area in the Faculty of Psychology at the Santo Tomas University
Maria Constanza Aguilar Bustamante, Wilson López López, Idaly Barreto, Zuly Bolena Rey, Catalina Rodríguez, Eimy Catalina Vargas

Understandings around the resilience from the public policy and texts of some nongovernmental organizations with seat in Bogotá who work with families in vulnerability situation
Juan Jose Cuervo Cuesta, Yohanna Paola De La Hortúa Q., Gina Paola Gil Chibuque

Emotion regulation and social competence in childhood
María Isabel Rendón Arango