
Nexo ético-político del concepto de Justicia en Aristóteles. Una propuesta en la virtud para el bienestar social

The Ethical-political Relation of the Concept of Justice in Aristotle. A Proposal in Virtue for Social Welfare

Estiven Valencia Marin

Abstract (en)

To reflect on the political thought of classical Greece is to return to the ethical meanings uttered by philosophers of that time, such as Plato and his disciple Aristotle, whose interests in the rational understanding of human behavior were nothing more than a diaphanous concern for the attainment of well-being of individuals within Greek cities, where the formation of ideas, institutions, and associations was considered of great importance. In fact, the social bonds and the configuration of attitudes that favor the objective of social welfare imply a reciprocal attention to the concepts of ethics and politics, whereas the incorporation of actions governed by the reason determines the relations between individuals of the same nation. Thus, this article presents the Aristotelian meaning of justice, to clarify the importance of this virtue in the ethical-political nexus of classical Greece, a period witnessed by Aristotle himself.

Keywords (en): justice, Aristotle politics, social welfare, Nicomachean Ethics

Abstract (es)

Adentrarse en el pensamiento político de la Grecia clásica es retornar a las acepciones éticas proferidas por los filósofos de ese momento, como, en este caso, de Platón y de su discípulo Aristóteles, cuyos intereses por la comprensión racional de la conducta humana no eran más que una diáfana preocupación por la consecución del bienestar de los individuos al interior de las ciudades griegas, donde se consideraba de gran importancia la formación de ideas, instituciones y asociaciones. En efecto, los vínculos sociales y la configuración de actitudes que decantan en el objetivo del bienestar social implican una atención especial al concepto de ética-política, en tanto que la incorporación de acciones regidas por la razón determina las relaciones entre los individuos de una misma nación. Teniendo esto en cuenta, en el presente artículo se expone la acepción aristotélica de justicia, con el objetivo de precisar la importancia de dicha virtud en el nexo ético-político de la Grecia clásica, periodo al que asistió el mismo Aristóteles.

Keywords (es): justicia, política aristotélica, bienestar social, ética a Nicómaco
Estiven Valencia Marin, Universidad Católica de Pereira

Born in the city of Armenia of the department of Quindío, May 1, 1991. Graduated in religious sciences from the Catholic University of Pereira with research: Ethics of hedonism in Epicurus of Samos. Resignation of Concept Plaisir (2015); Graduated in philosophy from the Technological University of Pereira with the research: Ethical perspectives of the concept of pleasure: contrast between Aristipo de Cirene and Epicuro de Samos (2019). Member of the Research Group on Religious Phenomena in the Field of Philosophy and Religion, attached to the Catholic University of Pereira, and member of the Research Group on Ancient Philosophy belonging to the Technological University of Pereira. Research interests in the fields of Greek philosophy, medieval philosophy, and patristic theology.


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How to Cite

Valencia Marin, E. (2020). The Ethical-political Relation of the Concept of Justice in Aristotle. A Proposal in Virtue for Social Welfare. Analisis, 52(97), 307-325.