Journal Análisis, affiliated with Universidad Santo Tomás’s Department of Humanities and Integral Formation, is a biannual publication dedicated to release articles and research findings focused on Humanist thought.
It accepts as articles about Philosophy and similar topics, resulting from humanistic or scientific research processes, as well as original articles resulting from original reflections, essays, lectures, literature reviews and translations or transcriptions of interest. Papers submitted should be preferably unpublished. Is worth clarifying that one of the fundamental criteria for publication is the correlation to any of the issues or areas established in the Journal
Articles will be subject to an assessment by a committee of arbitrators, appointed by the editorial board of Análisis. This assessment will be done anonymously: the author does not know who the assessor is, and the assessor does not know who the author is. Each received article is subjected to a review process and selection in two phases: internal by any member of the Editorial Committee will evaluate the originality and relevance of the article and subsequently external, by an arbitrator who evaluates the scientific quality, structure, theoretical foun- dation, font handling and conceptual rigor. In a lapse of two to four months, the author will be notified of the respective result of the evaluation process.
Análisis is published under the Creative Commons criteria (Attribution-Share Alike, 4.0 international license) in print and digital version; it is managed through the Open Journal System (OJS) platform; and allows free access to the articles through the same platform ( analisis/issue/archive), or indexes and databases on which it has been included and have that service.
Characteristics of the articles
Papers must have between 5000 and 10000 words, Word format, Arial or Times New Roman font 12, 1.5 line spacing, top and left margins of 3 cms (1.2 inches) and bottom and right margins 2 cms (0.8 inches)
Graphics and charts must have a 300 DPI resolution and must be submitted in original files, apart from the word text.
Papers must be unpublished and include the following elements:
- Title in Spanish and English
- Shipping date.
- Abstract in English and Spanish maximum 250 words (research hypotesis, methodology and theoretical framework are explained on this abstract. It is very important that this abstract be well structured and clear show the reader the content of the paper. Considering that the abstract is well written, it can be read and cited as well as have an impact over its author).
- Keywords in both Spanish and English (maximum 6, mínimum 4): these terms (lexemes) must be search engines which allows a reader to track in the system articles related to his/her interest, for this reason the main topics of the article must be outlined. Going beyond, analysis of research trends could be made through these key words by researchers in a specific field.
- Author’s names and last names must be included. An asterisk resulting from the author’s last name must tell: last academic degree obtained, institution membership (university or institution where the author currently is working) e-mail (preferably institutional) and mailing address.
- In a next asterisk resulting from the title in Spanish it must tell: source of the text, it means, whether this shows the findings of a research pro- ject or any kind of financing was obtained from an educational body. Furthermore, it should include the type of the article, according to the following classification.
Types of articles
a. Scientific research and technological development articles: documents which present in detail original findings resulting from scientific or technological development research projects. Their processes are clearly explained in the paper, as well as their authors and their institutional membership. A common structure for this is composed by introduction, methodology, findings and conclusions.
b. Reflection articles: documents resulting from studies conducted by the author or the authors on a theoretical or practical problem, which fulfill also the certification of authenticity and quality by anonymous qualified arbitrators. It presents findings of a research project from an analytic, interpretative or critical point of view of its author on a specific topic through original sources.
c. Review articles: studies conducted by an author or several authors in order to provide a general view of the state of the art of a specific science and technological area, development perspectives and its future evolution. These articles are written by an author who have achieved a general view of a field and is characterized by having a wide literature review of 50 references.
Using references
The references contains the basic bibliographic information of the documents cited in the paper. References are always at the end, following APA style.
Footnotes are used only as explanatory notes.
Guidelines for submitting articles
To submit your article through our OJS platform, you need to register as an author on this link and log in with the assigned user. You can also request the creation of a user via email: If you adopt this last option, keep in mind that the subject of the message must be “User request”, and you must send this information: name, surname, email and institutional affiliation of the author.
If you have problems with sending the article in through the platform, you can contact to our email address. By publishing an article, Análisis magazine understands that its author certifies and accepts that this article has not been published or accepted for publication in other journal or web site its publication in printed and digital versions of the journal will be allowed.
Checklist before sending
As part of the submission process, the authors must check that their sending fulfill all the following requirements. Any submission which does not comply to these guidelines will be returned.
1. The paper has not been published before, and it has not participated in other magazine (or an explanation in Commentaries to the editor has been provided)
2. The file sent is in Microsoft Word.
3. Web-page addresses have been added for references where it has been possible.
4. The article also the development of their content, presents:
- Abstract
- Keywords
- Title in Spanish and English
- At least 15 bibliographic references
- The author’s e-mail address.
- Academic background
- Institutional affiliation.
- Indicate the type of writing (research, reflection, revision, review, translation), describing its origin and if its ascribed to some project or research group.
5. The paper complies with both bibliographic and style requirements identified in the Authors Guidelines, which can be found in the “About section” ( ).
6. Ilustrations and charts have 300 DPI (dots per inch) resolution.
7. Papers should meet the minimum scoring criteria, stress and spelling of the language in which it is written. Stylistic corrections and so be suggested, as appropriate and deemed relevant.
8. In addition to the Spanish language, will also receive texts in English, French or Portuguese.
9. In the event that there are several authors express statement signed by each of them the order in which they propose that should appear in the publication.
10. The final references should be organized alphabetically, without numbering or bullets. There must be consigned all the texts cited or referenced.