Focus and Scope

The Journal Análisis, attached to the Department of Humanities and Integral Formation of the University of Santo Tomás, is a biannual publication devoted to the dissemination of theoretical reflections, research findings, translations and reviews about philosophical, artistic, historical, political, cultural and educational matters.
Collaborations submitted must be unpublished. Since its founding in 1968, Análisis has sought to become a referent and a forum for researchers, students and teachers interested in the humanities, as well as, in a comprehensive ideal training and inter and transdisciplinary studies. In order to promote the establishment of academic’ exchange networks and specialized discussion, each publication invites scholars and researchers in the vast field of the humanities to propose papers that may be located within these four broad horizons:

Humanism and society: anthropological, social, historical, linguistic, geographical, urban, political, economic, theological and ethical studies, as well as, the constitution of subjects.
Education and Pedagogy: Analysis of the emerging issues related to education, pedagogy and its models, pedagogical mediations and ICT, humanistic formation and foresight in higher education.
Transdisciplinary studies: agreements and disagreements between disciplines, as it is the case between science with discourses and practices of the theological and spiritual, dialogues that emerge from the various expressions of life (bioethics, environmental and ecological issues) and relations between the field of health and lifestyles.
Memory, history and identities: studies on history, historiography and ways of chronicling history, memory, cultures and countercultures, changing identities, new expressions of sexuality, social relations, forms and aesthetic discourses.

Peer Review Process

The papers submitted to the journal are received by a reception format. The author provides, according to the format published on the website of the Journal (, a letter in which it is certified the originality of the article, as well as, that the article has been unpublished; regarding to the latter , the article must not be simultaneously presented  in any other publication at the time of being submitted to analysis.

In order to comply with the criteria of indexing established by Publindex and other international bases, the papers will be evaluated by a committee of referees assigned by the Editorial Committee of the Journal. Such assessment will be carried out anonymously: the author does not know the name of the evaluator, and the latter, does not know either the author who is refereeing.

Each essay received is subject to a review process and selection in two phases: firstly, the internal phase which is undertaken by any member of the Editorial Committee, who will evaluate the originality - through Turnitin- software and relevance of the article. The second phase is the external, which is carried out by a referee who holds the task to conceptualize on their scientific quality, structure, justification, font handling and conceptual rigor. In the space of two to four months, the author will be notified of the respective outcome of the evaluation process.

The Editorial Committee will inform in writing to the authors the reasons why the article was not approved,  as well as, it will communicate with the authors  whose papers were approved, to sign the letter of transfer of rights to Análisis, a Colombian Journal of Humanities.  At the time the author assigns the rights of his article to análisis, this has the legal attributes to provide the article and its dissemination. This is decided by the Editorial Committee of the Journal. Neither the University Santo Tomás , nor the Department of Humanities , nor the Editorial Committee are responsible for the content of the articles; this is direct responsibility of the author.

Publication Frequency

The periodicity of the journal is biannual. Each number is published once it has fulfilled the whole process of reception, evaluation, correction, diagramming and layout.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides an open access to its content, based on the principle that offering the public free access to research may help support greater global exchange of knowledge.

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

The ethical code

The journal Analysis maintains some policies in order to operate in the public sector. It also, has a guidance document for the authors, which contains the minimum guidelines for submitting articles.

The Journal Análisis. An International Colombian Journal of Humanities embraces the COPE (Committee of Ethics of Publications

Report process

For the reporting process, please keep in mind the following steps:

(1) Once the work has been received (via the OJS platform or, in the final instance, from the magazine’s email), a revision will be carried out to check for plagiarism using the Turnitin software. In the event that the software detects plagiarism, self-plagiarism or any other situation that violates ethical norms in scientific publications  and those as stated by COPE (Committee of Ethics of Publications ), to whose standards the magazine adheres to, the following procedure will take effect: (a) the article will be rejected, (b) the author will be contacted regarding the plagiarism / self-plagiarism / anomalous situation, and finally, (c) the author’s institution will be contacted.

When the existing problem is related to the publishing of the document, even if the transfer of ownership rights have been signed by the author, the following procedure will take effect: (a) the article will be rejected, (b) the author will be contacted regarding the anomalous situation, (c) the author’s institution will be contacted, and finally, (d) the source of the original publication (magazine, editorial or institution) will be notified that the article was proposed to our magazine.

(2) In the case that none of the aforementioned situations present themselves, a revision will be carried out by the magazine’s  editorial team, with the purpose of complying with the requirements as expressed in the guidelines section for authors:

(3) Subsequently, the process of pair revision will be carried out, in which the scientific and academic parameters of each work will be revised.    

(4) Once the above process has been realized, the author will be informed of the final result of the process via the magazine’s platform. The article may be accepted, accepted with modifications, rejected or re-evaluated (in which case the author will be informed of the observations made by the pair revision, with the idea being that they may re-elaborate the article and then begin the editorial process again).

(5) Once the work complies with all the requirements for publication, the author or authors will be informed, and will then have to sign the relevant form to transfer over author rights.

(6) In the case that any controversy arises in any of the published articles, such cases will be sent to the Comité de Propiedad Intelectual de la Universidad Santo Tomás, a body formed of representatives of the different juridical, investigative and editorial organizations of the institution. As it is the university who is the assignee of the article’s rights, they will be responsible for deciding upon the necessary steps to take in each given case. 

Evaluation Form


Universidad Santo Tomás

Journal History

Santo Tomás University since its beginning has had as goal to contribute to the solution of the great questions that encourage current generations.  The university is by definition the place of systematic study, research and dissemination of thoughts in social settings. In this context the Journal análisis came into existence, initially a Journal of the Santo Tomás University, whose purpose was to contribute to the proclamation of knowledge emanating from the educational community.

Torres (1968), rector of the renewed university, in the editorial of the first number, gave the inspiring lines that would have taken place in such an important publication:

Today’s magazine that is now out to the public, aims to become an authentic expression of the spirit of study and research that reigns in the cloister , and an open  bridge to the outside. Its content always will be current and essentially scientific.

The idea of being an authentic expression of the Cloister’s spirit study and an instrument of transformation and development aimed at progress and welfare of the community has been the paths that have marked the 40 years of existence of the Journal análisis; and its work teams have continued that original spirit.

Looking into the history of the journal is to travel through the university life since its restoration in 1965. In those years the university started with 262 students distributed in four faculties: Civil Engineering, Economics and Business Administration, Philosophy and Legal Sciences - Law and Sociology (Cf. Gutierrez, 1968).

During the first three years the rise of the student’s population was considerable, in fact, a few years later was created an office for  the university’ planning growth,  which had the task of designing an architectural project that would accommodated  large percentage of students ( Cf. Tejada , 1968).

In this context of the university life the journal came into existence under the generous direction of Father Gutiérrez, whom for many years will be the dreamer of this dissemination instrument. Between the years 1968 to 1973 the journal is four monthly, then from 1974 to 1994 became biannual, till today. In recent years, the Journal has been accredited as a means of dissemination and scientific research, being indexed by Publindex and appearing in different databases such as, Dialnet , Latindex ,Class and REDIB .