
Cultura, alineamiento y perdurabilidad empresarial

Culture, business alignment and resilience.

Gabriel Enrique Moreno Sánchez

Resumen (es)

Un entorno turbulento y de alta incertidumbre es condición permanente de las organizaciones. Dicha condición las confronta al siguiente reto: ¿cómo perdurar y cuál sería la contribución de las personas (tanto las involucradas en la gestión de la empresa, como los stakeholders) en este escenario? Podría afirmarse, como respuesta, que el aporte es amplio, especialmente desde categorías como movilización de recursos humanos, clima organizacional y liderazgo, entre otras. Sin embargo, el concepto que más se relaciona con el factor humano en las organizaciones es el de cultura organizacional, la cual se entiende como “los valores y comportamientos que contribuyen con un ambiente psicosocial único son los que proveen una mayor o menor cohesión a la organización y, a su vez, un mejor enfoque y unidad de propósitos” (Business Dictionary, 2015).

Palabras clave (es): Organizational culture, resilience, alignment, organizations

Resumen (en)

A turbulent and highly uncertain environment is permanent condition of the organizations. This condition confronts them with the following challenge: how to endure and what would be the contribution of people (both those involved in the management of the company, and stakeholders) in this scenario? It could be affirmed, in response, that the contribution is wide-ranging, especially from categories such as mobilization of human resources, organizational climate and leadership, among others. However, the concept that most closely relates to the human factor in organizations is organizational culture, which is understood as “the values and behaviors that contribute a unique psychosocial environment, they provide more or less cohesion to the organization and, in turn, better focus and unity of purpose” (Business Dictionary, 2015).

The organizational culture uses the concept of alignment, in order to give a coherent response to the relationship between the strategic objectives of the organization and the personal goals of those who have direct or indirect relationship with the organization. Such alignment includes both the concept of resilience, so associated with the need to last, in a competitive manner, in time. The purpose of the article is to analyze the factors which contribute to the resilience of contemporary organizations, and particularly the elements that affect their disappearance in a context characterized by the rapid increase in the degree of concentration of ownership and organizational gigantism.

Palabras clave (en): Organizational culture, resilience, alignment, organizations
Gabriel Enrique Moreno Sánchez, Universidad Santo Tomás, Sede Bogotá.

Psicólogo de la Universidad INCCA de Colombia, magíster en Calidad y Gestión Integral de la Universidad Santo Tomás, especialista en Administración de Empresas. Miembro del Observatorio Colombiano de Educación Contable. 






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Cómo citar

Moreno Sánchez, G. E. (2016). Cultura, alineamiento y perdurabilidad empresarial. Revista Activos, 12(23), 183-195.

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