Seguridad ciudadana y los sistemas de videovigilancia. Límites, garantías y regulación
Public security and video surveillance systems. Limits, guarantees and regulation
Abstract (en)
New technologies have produced unexpected changes and has raised countless challengesto the law. One of them is the video surveillance raises aimed, among many
others, is to provide greater security for citizens. The use of these systems by the Forces
of Security as a tool to prevent disturbances of public safety in public places raised
many questions, especially the violation that the use of such systems can give rise to
the right to privacy broad sense. To legitimize their use and prevent interference of
public power produced in the "right to life" of people, it was approved in Spain the
so-called law of video surveillance legal text that constitutes the regulatory framework
applicable to the use of recording systems images and sounds by the Security Forces
in fulfilling the tasks entrusted by the Spanish Constitution concerning the protection
of the free exercise of rights and freedoms. All this in order to protect public safety.
Abstract (es)
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