
Acceso a la justicia, regulación y colegiación de los abogados: relaciones

Access to justice and regulation and licensing of lawyers: relations

David Teleki Ayala

Abstract (en)

This paper aims to analyze the legal consequences from the absence of an effective,
comprehensive and specific regulation of the legal profession (as well as the lack of
a comprehensive and compulsory formal licensing), as part of an effect on access to
justice, saw this as a fundamental right of social and political ethics and democratic
rule of law pillar as part of the core of other essential rights such as due process and
equality. In this sense, the research problem to be solved is if it affects the right of
access to justice by the absence of a fellowship of lawyers in Colombia.
To that end, we try to determine what we mean by nature subjective right and
lining in that context access to justice. Then we try to define or try to shape the
essential and distinguishable features of the fundamental right of access to justice;
then through concrete situations of judicial activity outreach we need for the
existence of a clear, decisive and effective legal regulation (including a mandatory
membership), as prerequisite for the realization of access to justice, this basis in
determining what is and has been the function of a legal regulation of the legal
profession and compulsory membership, and its alleged importance and interest
for the realization of the right of access to justice for the general public. We hold
that a non-unionized, unprotected without a body trained lawyer, develop ethical
control and exercise control to professional litigant, makes nullifying human rights
in the context of judicial activity, particularly access to justice, in such conditions
is a mere statement.

Keywords (en): Keywords, Bar, lawyers, access to justice, individual rights, due process.

Abstract (es)

Este documento pretende analizar las consecuencias jurídicas por la ausencia de una regulación efectiva, amplia y determinada de la profesión de abogado (así como la inexistencia de una colegiación general, obligatoria y reglada), en el marco de la afectación del acceso a la justicia, visto este como derecho fundamental, pilar ético-político del Estado social y democrático de derecho y como parte del núcleo esencial de otros derechos esenciales como el debido proceso y la igualdad. En este sentido, el problema de investigación a resolver es si se afecta al derecho de acceso a la justicia por la ausencia de una colegiatura de los abogados en Colombia.
Keywords (es): colegiatura, abogados, acceso a la justicia, derechos subjetivos, debido proceso.


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How to Cite

Teleki Ayala, D. (2015). Access to justice and regulation and licensing of lawyers: relations. IUSTA, 1(42).