
La Corte Constitucional como agente del campo jurídico colombiano: la omisión legislativa de principios constitucionales

The constitutional court as agent of the colombian legal field: the legislative omission of constitutional principles

Olga González Noriega

Abstract (en)

Inactivity or silence of the legislative bodies of the Colombian State, against a
constitutional mandate implies ignorance of constitutions principles, values and
rights of the citizens and thus generates legal consequences. In this regard, given
the legal vacuum created by the absolute or full legislative omission, it is up to the
highest constitutional body, as agent of the legal field, exercise their ability to impose
authority to force its decisions, a legal rule and applied as direct axiological criteria
of the Constitution, thereby correcting the inactivity of the legislator.
The overall objective of this article is to identify the legal nature of the legislative
omission and the role that the matter should advance the Constitutional Court.
This in order to show how the legislative authorities must conform to the framework
outlined by the constitutional order, and especially to the guidelines of the
Constitutional Court and must observe and comply with the mandates provided.
This research is qualitative, because it aims to gain a deep understanding of the
meanings and definitions of the research problem. It is pertinent to note that the
present lines demanded a synthesis, which aims to highlight the entire contents
of a subject or topic, exposing its main and essential parts.

Keywords (en): Keywords, Omission legislative, legal field, constitutional principles.

Abstract (es)

La inactividad o silencio de los órganos legislativos del Estado colombiano, frente a un mandato constitucional, conlleva desconocimiento de principios constituciones, valores y derechos de los administrados y, por ende, genera consecuencias jurídicas.

En este sentido, ante el vacío normativo producido por la omisión legislativa absoluta o total, le corresponde al máximo órgano constitucional, como agente del campo jurídico, ejercer su capacidad de imponer con fuerza de autoridad sus pronunciamientos, crear una regla jurídica y aplicar en forma directa criterios axiológicos de la Carta Política, subsanando con ello la inactividad del legislador.

El objetivo general del presente artículo es identificar la naturaleza jurídica de la omisión legislativa y el papel que al respecto debe adelantar la Corte Constitucional.

Lo anterior en aras de evidenciar cómo las autoridades legislativas deben ajustarse a los marcos trazados por el ordenamiento constitucional, y en especial, a las directrices de la Corte Constitucional, debiendo observar y acatar los mandatos previstos.

Keywords (es): omisión legislativa, campo jurídico, principios constitucionales.


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How to Cite

González Noriega, O. (2015). The constitutional court as agent of the colombian legal field: the legislative omission of constitutional principles. IUSTA, 2(41).