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In order to achieve the publication and international diffusion of scientific research through databases, catalogs and digital libraries; the Research Center of the School of Law of the Universidad Santo Tomas has developed the following rules for the presentation of articles:

A. Selection of the elements

Among the criteria that are taken into account for the selection of articles are defined below:

a) Scientific and technological research article. Document that presents, in a detailed manner, the original results of research projects.

b) Reflection article research result. Document that presents research results from an analytical, interpretative or critical perspective of the author, on a specific topic, using original sources.

c) Review article. Document result of a research where the results of published or unpublished research are analyzed, systematized and integrated, on a field in science or technology, in order to account for the advances and development trends.

d) Case report. Document that presents the results of a study on a particular situation in order to make known the technical and methodological experiences considered in a specific case. It includes a systematic review of the literature on analogous cases.

Additionally, the Journal may contain other publications such as:

• Editorial: Document prepared individually or co-authored by the Editor, Assistant Editors, Director and / or a member of the Editorial Board, where he presents and relates aspects of the Journal.

• Letters to the editor: They are established as critical, analytical or interpretative reflections on the documents published in the Journal, and which, in the opinion of the Editor, constitute an important contribution to the discussion of the topic.

• Translations: Made against classic or current texts, and / or transcriptions of historical documents of relevance to publication issues.

• Bibliographic reviews: Made on books and other relevant publications of the thematic lines or areas of knowledge of the Journal.

B. General Requirements.

1. Articles must be sent to the editor of the magazine.

2. All articles must be original and unpublished.

3. The articles must show at least 20 pages and maximum 30 pages. Exceptionally, it will be accepted to increase the number of pages, taking into account the complexity of the research topic.

C. Content requirements

The articles must be transcribed in Times New Roman 12 points, in double space. Margins: left 3.5, right 3, superior and inferior 3. They should be sent to the email: [email protected]

All articles must present the title, abstract and key words in Spanish and English.

The research articles (results or progress) should include a footnote on the first page, which should include: the title of the research or project, institutional context, line of research, participants, financing data , start and end dates.

All articles submitted to the IUSTA Journal must be products of research projects.

The texts presented must have the following extension: minimum 20 pages (face of a sheet) and maximum 30 pages (face of a sheet).

Articles must be submitted with the citation system and reference list of the American Psychological Association's Publication Style Manual [APA]. Legal texts have to be referenced according to the Bluebook system. 

The Journal does not return the articles submitted for its consideration and reserves the right to publish them in accordance with internal and external evaluations. For this purpose, the decisions of the Editorial Committee do not have second instance and do not have the possibility of any appeal

The author (s) must (together with the article and their personal data) send a signed (scanned) letter certifying that:

a.- The author or authors authorize the Journal and the Institution to edit and disseminate / publish the article by any national and / or international, printed or electronic means.

b.- The article is original: it has not been published, nor accepted nor submitted for publication in another magazine or website on the internet.

c.- The author does not show any conflict of interest with the Journal

d.- The author or authors assume the editorial policies and guidelines of the authors' guide and the ethical, truthful and conceptual responsibility of the article. Likewise, the contents, links and graphic and / or audiovisual material used by the author (s) are their responsibility, and do not generate commitments to third parties by the Journal and the Institution. The opinions or judgments issued by the collaborators do not compromise the institutional philosophy.

D. Arbitration process Articles

All articles submitted for publication will be subject to an evaluation process consisting of several parts. First, the articles will be subject to a preliminary evaluation of the members of the Editorial Committee and Editor, who will determine the relevance of the publication.

The thematic and formal requirements having met the respective draft article; the article will be sent to two external academic peers who will determine anonymously: a) publish without adjustments, b) publish when the adjustments are corrected, c) reject.

In case of difference between the two results, the text will be sent to a third arbitrator, whose decision will define its publication. The results of the academic opinion process will be final in all cases.

E. Copyright

Authors who post articles to the Journal must sign the letter guaranteeing the originality of the writing and the transfer of copyright.

F. Citation rules in text references

The articles submitted to the Journal must have citations and references in APA (American Psychological Association):

Quotations in the text

• The author's surname and the date of the work are included in parentheses within the sentence.
• If the sentence includes the author's last name, only the date in parentheses is written.

Example: Viadero (2007) reports that an analysis of more than two hundred studies shows the correlation between the teaching of social skills and the improvement of school performance.

If the author is not included in the sentence, the surname and date are written in parentheses.

Example: An analysis of more than two hundred studies shows the correlation between the teaching of social skills and the improvement of school performance (Viadero, 2007).

If the work has more than two authors, the first time is cited with all the surnames. In the subsequent mentions, only the last name of the first author is written, followed by the phrase et al.

Example: The term emotional intelligence was used for the first time by Salovey and Mayer in 1990. (Álvarez Manilla, Valdés Krieg & Curiel de Valdés, 2006)

Example: Regarding school performance, Álvarez Manilla et al. (2006) found that emotional intelligence does not affect it.

If there are more than six authors, et al. from the first mention.

List of references

A list of references includes only the sources that support our research and that were used to prepare the work.

Newspaper publication

Basic form

Surnames, A. A., Surnames, B. B. & Surnames, C. C. (Date). Article title.

Title of the publication, volume (number), pp. xx-xx. doi: xx.xxxx


Basic forms for complete books

Surnames, A. A. (Year). Title. City: Editorial.

Surnames, A. A. (Year). Title. Retrieved from http://www.xxxxxx.xxx

Surnames, A. A. (Year). Title. doi: xx.xxxxxxxx

Surnames, A. A. (Ed.). (Year). Title. City: Editorial.

Book with author

Example: Goleman, D. (2000). Emotional intelligence: Why it is more important than the IQ. Mexico: Editions B.

Book in electronic version

Example: Montero, M. & Sonn, C. C. (Eds.). (2009). Psychology of Liberation: Theory and applications. [Springer version]. doi: 10.1007 / 978-0-387-85784-8

Example: De Jesús Domínguez, J. (1887). Administrative autonomy in Puerto Rico. [Library of Congress version]. Retrieved from http://memory.loc.gov/cgibin/query/r?ammem/lhbpr:@field%28DOCID+@lit%28lhbpr33517%

Basic forms for a chapter of a book or entry in a reference work

Surnames, A. A. & Surnames, B. B. (Year). Title of the chapter or the entry. In

Surnames, A. A. (Ed.), Title of the book (pp. Xx-xx). City: Editorial.

Surnames, A. A. & Surnames, B. B. (Year). Title of the chapter or entry. In

Surnames, A. A. (Ed.), Title of the book (pp. Xx-xx). City: Editorial. Retrieved from http: //www.xxxxxx

Surnames, A. A. & Surnames, B. B. (Year). Title of the chapter or entry. In

Surnames, A. A. (Ed.), Title of the book (pp. Xx-xx). City: Editorial. doi: xxxxxxxx

Chapter of a printed book

Picó, F. (2004). Arecibo, sunny and serene. In Feliú Matilla, F. (Ed.), 200 years of

Literature and journalism: 1803-2003 (129-134). San Juan: Hurricane Editions.


Basic form

Surnames, A. A. (Year). Title. (Unpublished master's or doctorate thesis). Name of the institution, Location.

Unpublished, printed thesis

Example: Muñoz Castillo, L. (2004). Determination of knowledge about emotional intelligence that teachers possess and the importance assigned to the concept in the use of students. (Unpublished master's thesis). Universidad Metropolitana, San Juan, PR.

Article 1: The authors are responsible for the content of their manuscripts, as a result of which they are responsible for complying with the ethical standards that the Santo Tomas University, Internal Law and International Law require

Article 2: Obligations of authors:
• Do not post published manuscripts in the Journal
• Respect Intellectual Property
• Comply with the editorial rules of the journal, Internal Law and International Law
• Avoid any conflict of interest in the publication of data and results

Article 3: The Journal undertakes within the legal framework to keep under reserve the content of the manuscripts submitted to it and the data of each of the authors and possible authors of the Journal

Article 4: The authors must send by the OJS the declaration of originality of the signed manuscript and the letter of non-origin of conflict of interest, also duly subscribed

Article 5: Authors must inform the editor about conflicts of interest that may influence the judgment about what is published. This is "those who, once revealed, would make a reasonable reader feel that he has been deceived or lied to.

Consequently, conflicts of interest arise when authors, reviewers or editors have interests that may influence their judgment regarding what is published

Article 6: Conflicts of interest can be familiar, economic, political and personal and will be analyzed in the first instance by the Editorial and Scientific Committee of the Journal

Article 7: Articles subject to evaluation should take into account that for its revision is very important to meet the following criteria:

• Comply with APA publication standards
• Review the quality of research
• Use of updated and adequate scientific literature
• Explicitly present the methodology according to the type of research reported in the article
• Theoretical and documentary coherence in the results and discussion
• Quality of presentation in form (spelling and writing)
• Use Latin American sources
Article 8: The receipt of an article will be accused within a maximum period of 15 days and the author will be informed about the state of the recession in a maximum term of six months. Eventually, the final acceptance may depend on suggestions or modifications of the work that the advisors of the editorial committee propose to the author (s). The acceptance of a paper is subject to the theoretical, methodological and formal review that two pairs (referees, reviewers) through the double blind modality will make the article. The final decision to accept the work for publication depends on the publisher and the editorial board of the journal. Authors will receive an extract from the published article and / or a copy of the journal.

If a work is accepted for publication, the rights of printing and reproduction by any means and means are from the Universidad Santo Tomas, although any reasonable request by the author to obtain permission to reproduce his contributions will be taken into account.

The withdrawal of an article will be requested in writing with a printed document to the editor and is made after written response of the publisher.

Article 9: The journal complies with the COPE (Committee of Ethics of Publications http://publicationethics.org/) standards. This international committee establishes that, in detecting plagiarism, self-plagiarism or any situation that transgresses the ethical norms of scientific publication, it must:
- refuse article
- communicate to the author of the plagiarism / autoplagio / situation
- communicate to the author's institution
Article 10: The Magazine uses software antiplagio - turnitin in the process of reviewing articles.

Article 11: The establishment by the authors of an article to the Editor or to the OJS, it is the obligation of the Author not to send the article to another Magazine or Books of research or disclosure; Under penalty of incurring in the penalties determined by the Editor and / or Editorial Committee

Article 12: The publication of a scientific article in the Magazine, supposes the faculty of the University Santo Tomas to reproduce physically or digitally the scientific article.

Article 13: There is plagiarism when a natural person attributes the work of another or when a natural person attributes the work of another, not reproducing it identically, but imitating it in its essential extremes.

Article 14: Authors who transgress the responsibilities indicated in this document, may be subject to sanction, which will be imposed according to the severity of the behavior advanced. For this particular case, the sanction imposed will be imposed by the Editor with the approval of the Editorial Committee

Article 15: Once the report on plagiarism has been received, the respective investigation will be opened in accordance with the editorial policies of the Universidad Santo Tomas

Article 16: What is not provided for in these regulations implies the application of the editorial rules of the Santo Tomas University, the relevant national and international standards.


All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The request has not been previously published, it has not been submitted to another journal (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The file is sent in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect format.
  • The DOIS of the references have been added
  • The text is single-spaced; the font size is 12 points; used italics rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures and tables are placed within the text in their proper place and not the end of everything.
  • The text meets the style and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines / s, which can be found in About the Journal.
  • If you are sending a peer-reviewed section of the journal, you have to make sure that the instructions in Ensuring a blind review have been followed.

The names and email addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes stated in it and will not be provided to third parties or use for other purposes.