El reenfoque en la selección de proveedores basado en la gestión de cadena de abastecimiento verde en empresa textil colombiana
Refocusing on supplier selection based on green supply chain management in Colombian textile company
Abstract (en)
The logistics strategy must be the hand of a corporate strategic plan, which is vital for the development of business competitiveness (Velasquez, 2003). But beyond logistics, today is talking about the supply chain, the proper management of supply chain which involves permanent challenges for businesses due to globalization, which involves the construction of synergies between different business units and businesses, taking into account that logistics is working to put the inventory within the supply chain and supply chain is the collaboration between companies that have an objective and strategic positioning common (Bowersox, Closs, & Cooper, 2007). It is increasingly clear that if supply chains do not become more sustainable than they have been in the past, the world’s resources and the environment cannot sustain this level of growth (Chopra & Meindl, 2013, p. 501). This article aims to review the selection process and evaluation of suppliers in a textile company in Bogotá, with which it is intended to contribute to the improvement of the current process, through a proposal for inclusion of environmental criteria based on research by different authors specializing in management green supply chain.
Abstract (es)
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