Legado de la comisión corográfica en un país de regiones
Legacy of the geographic comission in a country of regions
Abstract (en)
For some of the citizens, the perspective that understands the regions as political-administrative entities represents a future which makes possible to solve the most urgent national problems. The management of the geographical places, as well as its human resources, has been and will still be a national public politics concern. This heritance has a solid foundation on the theories of federalism unheld from the beginning of the Republic, which crowning moment was marked by the XIX mid-century reforms. These political changes were varied and got practical transformations which had been wished by the liberalism defenders for so long. To make the desirable changes happen, it was necessary to get a better knowledge of the national territory and, thus, make the most accurate political decisions. For this reason, from 1950 the Chorographic Commission begings its activity and, with it, the country exploration in order to make more evident the way in which the national regions were composed. Such efforts represent a significant moment in Colombia’s history, from the federalism perspective, which seeked to legitimise diversity as a national dinstinctive feature.Abstract (es)
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