Repensando el modelo de “Desarrollo Sostenible”. De la competitividad a la cooperación
Rethinking the model “Sustainable Development”. From competitiveness to cooperation
Abstract (en)
The current development model, based on the idea of economic growth with the sole purpose of boosting the creation of “jobs”, and encouraging consumption, forgetting the boundaries of production limits and the fact that it is impossible to Infinite growth in a planet with limited resources, must be rethought in order to adjust it to an undeniable reality. Thus, a paradigm shift and work guides are proposed, based on previous knowledge and awareness of the sum of problems created by the current system of production and consumption. A clear gap of scale that has led us to create a technosphere that does not fit the biosphere, coupled with a manifest inefficiency in what is produced and an extreme faith in technology as a solution to environmental, social and economic problems, unaware of it The main R + D + I department that represents nature, which provides us with solutions to the vast majority of challenges. Challenges that thanks to anthropocentrism, we think to solve with our own designs. This makes a priority focus change, with a systemic and holistic eco vision, based on a resumption of ethics and values, where it is clarified that not necessarily growth should be associated with economic growth, much less think that the revaluation of the model Leads to a loss of quality of life.Abstract (es)
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