Relación entre los incentivos fiscales y el comportamiento del sector de la marina mercante de los estados parte del Mercosur durante los años 2008 – 2013
Relationship between fiscal incentives and the behavior of the merchant marine sector of the Mercosur part states during the years 2008 – 2013
Abstract (en)
The following research article illustrates the correlation of tax incentives granted to the Merchant Marine Mercosur States Parties. The purpose of this article is an analysis based on the relationship between tax incentives and the development of the merchant marine in the Mercosur member countries during the period 2008 -. 2013 also takes place under the documentary mode and critical analysis, because the data collection technique that was used for the study, was related to the review of documentary sources such as books, magazines, reports, newspapers, conventions, agreements, electronic media, among others. This research paper was conducted with the main base to generate income as a result of the analysis and discussion in the proceedings of strategies for the implementation of tax incentives among the States Parties of Mercosur in order to serve as a source of information to interested persons and related the area of the research in maritime business.Abstract (es)
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