Los sistemas productivos tradicionales y el programa RESA en el resguardo Ticoya de Puerto Nariño
Traditional production systems and the RESA program at Ticoya guard in Puerto Nariño (Colombia)
Abstract (en)
This article is the result of a research conducted in the Ticoya shelter, in the municipality of Puerto Nariño, located in the Colombian Amazon, where through assistance development programs promoted by the Colombian state, the food situation is improving for indigenous peoples and peasants in the country.
The RESA Food Security Network program is based on the principle that communities object of this welfare program, are in a state of malnutrition because of the poverty of their production systems and the lack of income generation to
supplement their diet. At last, these communities are seen as a product of underdevelopment, of their conditions of backwardness and of the lack of modern science and technology
Abstract (es)
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