Equilibrio y control del poder político en la tradición política y constitucional colombiana
Balance and control of political power in the Colombian political and constitutional tradition
Resumen (es)
La complejidad de las tareas políticas, ha dado origen a una especialización funcional o división del trabajo político (tridivisión del poder liberal cuyo contenido era el de limitar el poder de los gobernantes), el fin, eliminar la centralización absoluta del poder en cabeza de una sola persona o gobernante único. Nos enfrentamos a un evidenciado debilitamiento de los órganos legislativos y de los gobiernos regionales, en beneficio del acrecentamiento de las facultades del Ejecutivo, rompiéndose el esquema clásico de la igualdad y equilibrio de las ramas del poder, y haciendo más que nunca necesario el efectivo control del poder político.Así, aunque la formalización de la independencia e igualdad de los órganos sigue haciendo parte del discurso constitucional, otra cosa sucede en la realidad política, en donde el Congreso, ostenta un carácter formal, por oposición al Ejecutivo, al cual se siguen atribuyendo un sin número de funciones que aumentan su poder. Se trata pues de verificar un posible debilitamiento del órgano Legislativo, en contraposición con la amplísima facultad decisoria del Gobierno.
El análisis abarca el problema de la naturaleza histórica del precepto de separación de competencias de las Ramas del Poder Público, intentando comprender la realidad estatal como proceso, lo que constituye uno de los aspectos centrales del constitucionalismo actual, el propósito aquí es analizar la relación entre disposiciones constitucionales de control político, con la manera como se desarrollan las relaciones entre Ejecutivo y Legislativo, y cómo influyen de manera directa en la forma como se ejerce el poder político en Colombia.
Palabras clave (es):
Control del Poder Político, Equilibrio del Poder Político, Constitución, Estado de Derecho, División funcional del Poder, Hiperpresicencialismo, Ramas del Poder Público
Resumen (en)
The complexity of the political tasks, has led to functional specialization or division of the political (power tridivisión liberal whose content was to limit the power of rulers), in order to eliminate the absolute centralization of power in head of a single person or single ruler. We face an evident weakening of the legislature and regional governments, benefiting from enhanced executive powers, breaking the classic pattern of equality and balance of the branches of power, and doing more than ever necessary to the effective control political power.
Thus, while the formalization of independence and equality of organs continues to share with the Constitution, nothing really happens in politics, where Congress holds a formal character, as opposed to the Executive, which is still without attributing a number of features that increase their power. It is therefore verify a possible weakening of the legislature, as opposed to the vast power of decision of de government.
The analysis covers the problem of the historical nature of the precept of separation of powers of the branches of government, trying to understand reality as a process state, which is one of the central aspects of current constitutionalism, the purpose here is to analyze the relationship between constitutional provisions for political control, with the way relationships develop between the executive and legislative, and how to have a direct impact on how political power is exercised in Colombia.
Thus, while the formalization of independence and equality of organs continues to share with the Constitution, nothing really happens in politics, where Congress holds a formal character, as opposed to the Executive, which is still without attributing a number of features that increase their power. It is therefore verify a possible weakening of the legislature, as opposed to the vast power of decision of de government.
The analysis covers the problem of the historical nature of the precept of separation of powers of the branches of government, trying to understand reality as a process state, which is one of the central aspects of current constitutionalism, the purpose here is to analyze the relationship between constitutional provisions for political control, with the way relationships develop between the executive and legislative, and how to have a direct impact on how political power is exercised in Colombia.
Palabras clave (en):
Control of political power, balance of political power, Constitution, State of low, Functional division of power, Hiperpresidencialism.
Cómo citar
Cortes Zambrano, S. (2016). Equilibrio y control del poder político en la tradición política y constitucional colombiana. Via Inveniendi Et Iudicandi, 5(2), 146-165. https://doi.org/10.15332/s1909-0528.2010.0002.07
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