La validez de los sistemas legales: Las teorías de la Norma Básica
The validity of the juridical systems: the theories of the basic norm
Resumen (es)
La validez de los sistemas jurídicos es uno de los problemas que la teoría jurídica ha tratado con mayor frecuencia. Para abordarlo se ha propuesto la concepción de una norma por encima de las demás normas del ordenamiento jurídico, que ha recibido el nombre de norma básica, suprema, fundamental, última, etc., y que constituiría el criterio último de validez y explicaría la unidad del sistema. De esta forma, el objetivo específico de este artículo es examinar las teorías que explican el carácter jurídico de las reglas y del sistema proponiendo dicha norma básica. La primera parte de este trabajo estará consagrada a la presentación detallada y sintética des estas teorías, seguida de una comparación para determinar cuáles son sus aportes y sus méritos. Un análisis desde el punto de vista crítico de las teorías expuestas en la primera parte será el objeto de la segunda, análisis que se realizará a partir de los textos de algunos autores que han trabajado sobre estas teorías. Después de haber establecido los aciertos y el alcance de estas críticas, será posible evaluar algunas ideas para abordar el problema de la naturaleza del derecho como sistema jurídico.
Palabras clave (es):
Validez, norma fundamental, ordenamiento jurídico, regla de reconocimiento, legitimidad, eficacia
Resumen (en)
The validity of the juridical systems is one of the problems that
juridical theory has dealt with more often. To approach it has been proposed a
conception on a norm above all the other norms of juridical ordering, that has
received the name of basic norm, supreme, fundamental, ultimate, etc, and that
would build the ultimate criterion for validity and explain the unity of the system. In
this way, the specific objective of this article is to examine the theories that explain
the juridical character of the rules and the system proposing such basic norm. The
first part of this work will be consecrated to the detailed and synthetic presentation
of these theories, followed by a comparison to determine which are its
contributions and its merits. An analysis from the critical point of view of the exposed theories in the first part will be the objective of the second part, an
analysis that will be made from the texts of some authors who have worked on
these theories. After having established the successes and reach of these critics, it
will be possible to evaluate some ideas to take on the problem of the nature of law
as a juridical system.
juridical theory has dealt with more often. To approach it has been proposed a
conception on a norm above all the other norms of juridical ordering, that has
received the name of basic norm, supreme, fundamental, ultimate, etc, and that
would build the ultimate criterion for validity and explain the unity of the system. In
this way, the specific objective of this article is to examine the theories that explain
the juridical character of the rules and the system proposing such basic norm. The
first part of this work will be consecrated to the detailed and synthetic presentation
of these theories, followed by a comparison to determine which are its
contributions and its merits. An analysis from the critical point of view of the exposed theories in the first part will be the objective of the second part, an
analysis that will be made from the texts of some authors who have worked on
these theories. After having established the successes and reach of these critics, it
will be possible to evaluate some ideas to take on the problem of the nature of law
as a juridical system.
Palabras clave (en):
Validity, fundamental norm, juridical ordering, rule of acknowledgement, legitimacy and efficacy.
Cómo citar
Rodriguez Villabona, A. (2016). La validez de los sistemas legales: Las teorías de la Norma Básica. Via Inveniendi Et Iudicandi, 6(2), 1-32. https://doi.org/10.15332/s1909-0528.2011.0002.01
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