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The Signos Journal "Research in management systems," aims to serve as a means of dissemination for research reflections, discussion and results on issues related to quality, quality management, the various standardized management models and social responsibility. Likewise, seeks to give space to experiences related to applicability, innovation and relevance of theories, models and management systems, in private and public organizations.

Given the nature of the journal, unpublished and original works will be privileged, and these can be among others:

- Articles of scientific research resulting from research projects;

- Articles of reflection on original themes that are associated with research;

- Review articles that systematize research results and that require a minimum of 50 references;

- Short articles that present advances of an investigation;

- Reports and case studies;

- Reflections not derived from research;

- Controversies (articles that discuss about other author(s) and respond to controversies);

- Interviews.

The articles must be sent together with the transfer of property rights format signed by each of the authors, through the OJS platform at the link http://revistas.usta.edu.co/index.php/signos or by Signos Journal email (email: [email protected]).

The reception of an article will be acknowledged immediately and the author will be informed about its status within a maximum period of six months.

Articles that do not meet the standards set forth in this document will not be considered. The acceptance of a work is subject to the theoretical, methodological and formal review that two arbitrators (peer-reviewers) perform to the article. The editorial committee of the journal reserves the right to introduce formal modifications necessary to adapt the text to the standards.

If a work is accepted for publication, the rights of printing and reproduction by any ways and means are from the editor, although it will be taken into account any reasonable request by the author to obtain permission to reproduce his/her contributions.

The publication of articles does not mean that the Universidad Santo Tomás (USTA) nor the Instituto Colombiano de Normas Técnicas y de Certificación (ICONTEC) (Colombian Institute of Technical Standards and Certification) share the points of view that these articles expose, since the responsibility of the text content corresponds to the authors .

The withdrawal of an article will be requested in writing with a printed document to the editor.

It is requested to send:

Title page that includes:
Title of the work that clearly summarizes the main idea of the same, with its corresponding translation into English.
Name of the author(s) of the work and the institution at which the research was carried out.
Summary (Abstract): Brief summary about the total content of the article. The summary should not exceed 120 - 200 words with its corresponding English translation. It is necessary to include the keywords for the bibliographic classification, preferably according to the JEL classification system.
The article should not exceed 6000 words, letter size, double space, with left and right margins at 3 cm, in Arial font with size 12 points.
Figures and tables: Figures must be submitted in JPG, PNG or TIFF format with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi and a minimum width of 1200 pixels. Additionally, they must be inserted in the text, duly numbered according to their order of presentation. Each one must have a brief title that clearly indicates its content. The figures should be sent in grayscale or with wefts (not in colors). The tables must be sent in editable format (Word or Excel). It is necessary to indicate in all cases the source of the table or figure.
Authors’ brief biography: It should indicate the institutional linkage such as to research groups, academic and research trajectory, academic degree and email.

Authors’ bibliographic references cited in the text will be presented in accordance with the APA rules, sixth edition. Below are examples for the citation of bibliographical references:

If an article is cited: (Norton, et al., 2004); you can also, ... according to Norton et al. (2004) ...

If the reference corresponds to a thesis or academic degree work: (Pedraza, 2010, p. 63).

If it is a book: (Berger and Luckmann, 2001, p. 13), it can also be: Berger and Luckmann (2001, p.13) state that ...

To cite an electronic source: ... according to Fierro (2010); it can also be quoted as follows: ... and it allows to see how one variable influences the other (UNAD, 2014b)...

At the end of the article all the text citations are presented, arranged alphabetically and under the title "References."


Bermúdez, M. E. (2009). Sinergia y aprendizaje. Un modelo escolar de contacto entre grupos y aprendizaje a través del servicio (tesis inédita de maestría). Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia.

Butler, J. (1988). Performative Acts and Gender Constitution: An Essay in Phenomenology and Feminist Theory. Theatre Journal, 40(4), 519-531.

Fierro, J. (2010). Análisis estadístico univariado, bivariado y variables control. Recuperado de http://chitita.uta.cl/cursos/2012-1/0000104/recursos/r-25.pdf

Sennett, R. (2000). La corrosión del carácter. Las consecuencias personales del trabajo en el nuevo capitalismo. Barcelona: Anagrama.

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia-UNAD. (2014b) Lección 3. Análisis Bivariado. Recuperado de http://datateca.unad.edu.co/contenidos/401533/2014-1/modulo2014/leccin_3_anlisis_bivariado.html

LaRotta, S. (27 de septiembre del 2012). Palabras simples para engañar al diablo. El Espectador, p. 14.

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The article complies with the specifications given in the Template for the articles preparation of SIGNOS journal.
  • The article includes between 20 and 30 references when it corresponds to research result and 50 references when it is constituted as a review article.
  • The submitted file is in Word format.
  • The submission has not been previously published nor has been submitted for consideration by any other journal (or an explanation has been provided to the editor in the comments field).
  • The article describes the funding source of the research project from which it is derived.
  • The assignment of rights contract has been filled out and signed by each of the authors.

The names and email addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes stated in it and will not be provided to third parties or use for other purposes.