
Imputation strategy with media using regression trees

Victor Ernesto Marquez Perez
Lelly María Useche Castro
Dulce María Mesa Avila
Ana Ides Chacon Contreras

Resumen (es)

An imputation design is presented to combine classification and imputation in order to improve the quality of imputed datum. Imputation is done with completely randomized missing quantitative data and using regression trees. Media imputation techniques is compared, theoretical and empirically, using regression trees, in order to develop an integral classification and imputation strategy.

Unbiased estimators were obtained developing the expected value of the estimator. Estimator’s proprieties were evaluated trough their variance and bias development, which showed non bias. as for the unbiased estimator variance of the media, sufficiency was not proved for the media estimator.

Palabras clave (es): missing data, imputation, CART, regression trees, unbiased estimators, simulation

Resumen (en)

 An imputation design is presented to combine classication and imputation in order to improve the quality of imputed datum. Imputation is done with completely randomized missing quantitative data and using regression trees. Media imputation techniques is compared, theoretical and empirically, using regression trees, in order to develop an integral classication and imputation strategy.

Unbiased estimators were obtained developing the expected value of the estimator. Estimators proprieties were evaluated trough their variance and bias development, which showed non bias. as for the unbiased estimator variance of the media, suficiency was not proved for the media estimator.


Palabras clave (en): Missing data, imputation, CART, regression trees, unbiased estimators, simulation.
Victor Ernesto Marquez Perez, Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo

Ing. en Sistemas

Magister en Estadística Aplicada

Doctor en Estadística

Prof Agregado de la escuela de Estadística Universidad de los Andes.

Actualmente como prof. Invitado en la Escuela politécnica de Chimborazo (Ecuador)

Lelly María Useche Castro, Universidad Nacional Experimental Sur del Lago

Ing Industrial

Doctora en Estadistica

Profesora titular de la Universidad Nacional Experimental Sur del Lago

Dulce María Mesa Avila, Universidad Central de Venezuela

Ph. D. Social Statistics University of Southampton, U. K. Licenciado en Ciencias Estadísticas

Profesora de la Universidad Central De Venezuela

Ana Ides Chacon Contreras, Universidad de los Andes

Lic en Administración

Especialista en Estadistica

Prof. Asistente de la Universidad de los Andes


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Cómo citar

Marquez Perez, V. E., Useche Castro, L. M., Mesa Avila, D. M., & Chacon Contreras, A. I. (2017). Imputation strategy with media using regression trees. Comunicaciones En Estadística, 10(1), 9-40.