The journal Communications in Statistics is published by the Center for research and statistical studies (CIEES) attached to the Faculty of statistics of the Universidad Santo Tomás. This journal is semi-annual, the first issue is published in June and the second in December of each year. The aim of this publication is to disseminate original and unpublished articles on any topic of theoretical and applied statistics. The purpose of this journal is to encourage statistical research culture, and therefore, your target audience is all those researchers to use any statistical method in the development of their projects.
The journal Communications in Statistics publishes original theoretical articles, applications of statistical techniques in any branch of knowledge that lead to new publications as well as letters to the editor that have emerged from the discussion of articles already published in this magazine. Below are some of the main features of the publishing process in this publication.
Submission of articles.
The Editorial committee of the journal Communications in Statistics suggests that articles are submitted in PDF and preferably in letter size paper format. Authors should send a blinded version of the manuscript, without any information of their identity or affiliation. Authors can use the template available on the following link Template RCE. Articles must be attached and sent to the official address of the journal and will be socialized by the Editor on the Editorial Committee.
The journal Communications in Statistics publishes the following kinds of articles:
Applications and case studies that present innovative statistical analysis or implement empirical exercises to assess statistical techniques in specific real or simulated situations.
New theoretical or methodological contributions that lead to the development of procedures, algorithms and new methodologies from the theoretical point of view. Also, graphics and computational procedures illustrated by a practical application are included, in the case that there is place for such implementation.
Exhaustive literature review of statistical subjects on practical application areas or in specific fields of statistical theory and methods.
Letters to the editor and corrections by writing in a direct and concise way about the discussion or correction of any article published in previous numbers in this journal.
Title and abstract
The title of the article must be specific, in addition, each submitted article should contain a abstract of no more than 400 words and not one should quote any kind of references in the abstract. Immediately following the abstract should appear keywords from the article, which should describe the content of this. By policies of the journal Communications in Statistics, the main language of this publication is the Spanish, although articles will also be published in English. Each submitted article must have the title in the main language of the article and with their respective translations into the secondary language. The former also applies to the abstract and the keywords. For example, if the primary language of the article is the Spanish, it must contain the main title in Spanish and their respective translation into English. In addition, the abstract must be written in Spanish, and it must also be translated into English along with the keywords.
Figures and tables
Both the figures, and the tables must be labeled with Arabic numbers. Each of these objects must contain a title that describes it in detail and they have to be cited within the text of the article. It is suggested to the authors that the images be sent separately in any graphic format (eps, ps, tif, jpg or bmp) in high resolution, color and grayscale. The printed version of the journal will contain only images in grayscale; however, the virtual version of the journal will contain the color images.
Appendices and references
Appendices of the manuscript must be located at the end of the article, after the bibliographical references. It is suggested that appendices correspond to extensive theoretical developments, supplemental material and computational algorithms. On the other hand, the bibliographic reference system that is used in this publication is the author-year format, also known as the Harvard format. All references appearing in the article must be contained and cited in the general text or body of the manuscript. In this way, if the reference is part of a phrase, surnames, and the year of publication should, in a parenthesis, should appear within the text. Now, if the reference is not part of a sentence, the last name followed by the year of publication must be included inside a parentheses.
The Editorial committee of the journal Communications in Statistics assumes that the summited articles are not published by any other means, printed or virtually. Also it is assumed that the article is unpublished, original and that it is not in the process of revision, arbitration or publication in any other journal, magazine, or any virtual site. Upon receiving an article for review, the authors acquired all legal liability about graphs, tables, data and text. Similarly, the authors release the journal Communications in Statistics of any criminal action taken by a third party for offences to copyright or any other affront. On the other hand, if the Editorial Committee decides in favor of the publication of an article, authors must sign and accept the transfer of the rights of author on the article to the journal. However, authors can attach to their websites a version of the final document. The journal Communications in Statistics reserves the right of author or distribution of the content. Also, by submitting the article (making use of this platform or its corresponding institutional), the authors authorize the editor of the Communications in Statistics in statistics to publish the article in the current state or the State that the Committee Publisher considers appropriate
Submission Preparation Checklist
All submissions must meet the following requirements.
The submission has not been previously published nor has it been submitted for consideration by any other journal (or an explanation has been provided in the Editor's Comments).
Whenever possible, URLs are provided for references.
The text has the stylistic and bibliographic conditions included in Author Guidelines, in About the Journal.
In the case of sending the text to the peer evaluation section, the instructions included in Ensuring an anonymous evaluation are followed.
When submitting the article, making use of this platform, the authors authorize the editor of the Revista Comunicaciones en Estadística to publish the article in the current state or the state that the editorial committee considers appropriate.
The shipping file is accepted in PDF format, generated from the LaTex template available at the journal website.
Copyright Notice
The authors maintain the rights to the articles and therefore they are free to share, copy, distribute, execute and publicly communicate the work under the following conditions:
Recognize the credits of the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor (but not in a way that suggests that, you have their support or that they support your use of their work).
Universidad Santo Tomás preserves the patrimonial rights (copyright) of the published works, and favors and allows the reuse of them under the aforementioned license.
Privacy Statement
The names and email addresses entered into this journal will be exclusively used for the purposes stated in it and will not be provided to third parties or use for other purposes.