Sistemas flexibles de manufactura para entornos académicos como respuesta al desarrollo tecnológico de las pymes en Colombia
Flexible manufacturing systems for academic environments as a response to the technological development of SMEs in Colombia
Abstract (en)
Taking as epicenter the Laboratory of CNC (Control Numeric Computerized) and Robotics of the University District Francisco José of Caldas – Faculty Technological, it developed the best alternative for the education in manufacture highly industrialized low environments real of work through of the diagnosis of the main components technological of a FMS (System Flexible of Manufacturing), the selection of the main stations of work of a factory and the relation of this environment of work with the man inside of a area determined, with the purpose of prepare professionals that give solutions to the questions, variabilities and challenges that are presented in the processes productive of the industries emerging from a focus investigatory, innovative, competitive, friendly and profitable for all the actors of the chain of production and of consumption.
Abstract (es)
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