El papel de la tecnología desde la perspectiva de Hanna Arendt
The role of the technology from the perspective of Hanna Arendt
Abstract (en)
This article of reflection are looking for a delimitation of the term technology, its conceptual demarcation and its relationship with the world employment and production, from the statements made by theoretical policy German of Jewish origin Hannah Arendt in her book the Human Condition, in particular in chapter IV: “The work”, which raises the supremacy of the homo laborans about homo faber, from a criticism of the anthropocentric utilitarianism of Kant and Protagoras is reflected in actions and proceedings of the homo faber of the contemporary world, to conclude on the importance of the interdisciplinary relationship between science - technical - technology within the processes of development of contemporary societies and the use of technology as a means, not as an end of power survival and quality of life.Abstract (es)
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