Estado del arte de ingeniería en informática como programa académico y disciplina profesional
State of the Art of Computer Engineering as an academic and professional discipline program
Abstract (en)
As a starting point the research project State of the Art of Computer Engineering as the academic program and professional discipline development of epistemology is established or is theoretical, conceptual, epistemological, as well as foundations, ontology of its objects (objects of study , training objects, objects of knowledge), social demands, study domains and domain materials that allow you to develop professional, occupational, professional domain, training objectives, training areas, problematic nucleus, academic spaces and curriculum profiles. In this article the results of research gnoseológicos arises: -Construction of Objects Program *Essence Program *Object Program Study *Study objects for Training *Knowledge Objects *Training Objects *Domain Material Objects (Program) - Social Demands - Writing Profiles; Professional and Occupational - Domain Disciplining - Educational Program Objectives - Nuclei Problemicos - Shafts Training - As an object of study is set in an Academic Area.
Abstract (es)
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