Diseño Instruccional para la escritura de artículos científicos a través de un sistema computacional como prueba piloto
Instructional Design for Writing Scientific Papers through a Computer System as Test Pilot
Abstract (en)
This article is focused in show the research results of project “Instructional Design in the Classroom” conducted by the research group Integrated Management System for Science and Technology (SIGCIENTY). The question raised in this research is to know what are the strategies for building a Learning Unit Instructional (IAU) to strengthen the process of writing scientific papers aimed at students in the course of Ecological Production System Species lower in the virtual campus of the UNAD? Its main objective was reflected in construction a unit Instructional Learning (UAI) that enhance the process of making scientific articles by recreational and playful workshops in the virtual course belongs to the “Escuela de Ciencias Agrarias, Agrícolas y del Medio Ambiente (ECAPMA)” in (UNAD). The methodology used was mixed type (quantitative / qualitative) with a descriptive study through a closed survey of students in the course and steps model of Instructional Design Carey & Carey, like the application of an interview not structured to the tutor and some teachers who support the course. Resulting in the construction and design of the Learning Unit Instructional guided through a computer system as a simulator linked to the virtual course of study participants on the campus of the University through a process of interoperability with an appropriate WebService for this purpose called (AulaRed).Abstract (es)
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