Impacto del TLC con Estados Unidos en el sector agrícola colombiano, más riesgos que oportunidades (caso arroz)
Impact of FTA with the USA in the Colombian agricultural sector, more risks than opportunities (case of rice)
Abstract (en)
One of the interesting aspects in the recent approaches of the agricultural sector refers to the impact of macroeconomic policies and sectoral policies on the behavior of productive activity. Nevertheless, it is often considered that the agricultural sector fulfills a residual role in the economic development, which has caused much carelessness in the relationships between macroeconomic policies, sectoral incentives and agricultural performance. The Free Trade Agreement with the United States could affect the situation of the colombian agricultural sector. This should motivate a re-evaluation of the role played by sectoral policies (border protection, specific aids for products and internal aids in general services) to guarantee the performance of those agricultural products at major risk. If no suitable use of these instruments is achieved, the role of the sector in the national production might be increasingly residual and cause a bias against agriculture. Therefore, the present article proposes an examination of the noted aspects giving special attention to the rice sector during the 1990-2010 period, whose productive chain is one of the most important of the country, as far as value of the production, national consumption and employment generation are concerned, but this particular chain might turn out to be one of the most sensitive when the above mentioned agreement comes into effect.Abstract (es)
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