Looking for British Soil.
Resumen (es)
Home land on foreign soil generally comes in two forms: a country’s embassy or a cemetery. I was well aware of the British embassy in Bogota, some twenty blocks north of our Angelico building, but not of the other, the British cemetery located in San Diego. Walled away on 26th street, nestled at the side of the Cementerio Central lies British soil, a plot of land given to Colombia’s ally for their support in the fight for independence. It provided a resting place for some of the fallen five thousand British soldiers who set sail from London in 1817 to fight against the Spanish.
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Cómo citar
Edmunds, L. J. . (2018). Looking for British Soil. Arte-Facto: Revista De Estudiantes De Humanidades, 5. https://revistas.usantotomas.edu.co/index.php/artefacto/article/view/7237